10208 examples of stormed in sentences

There are vivid pictures of battle against the heathen and the enemies of God, as shown by the following selection from one of the poems of the Caedmonian cycle: "Helmeted men went from the holy burgh, At the first reddening of dawn, to fight: Loud stormed the din of shields.

In Caen the people stormed the citadel and killed the officers of the salt-tax.

Ibrahim, powerfully reinforced with twenty-five thousand men, by sea and land stormed battery after battery; yet the Greeks held out, contending with famine and pestilence, as well as with troops ten times their number.

Jackson waited until three thousand Tennessee militia, for whom he had urgently sent, arrived at Mobile, under the command of General Coffee, one of his efficient coadjutors in the Creek War, and Colonel Butler, and then promptly and successfully stormed Pensacola, driving out the British, who blew up Fort Barrancas and escaped to their ships.

The building was stormed with clubs and stones.

He had returned, to find Barnaby taken, and at once announced that the prison must be stormed.

We reached it about two o'clock in the night after cruising about for fourteen hours before the entrance; and we were obliged to remain here at anchor for a fortnight, as it rained and stormed continuously for that period.

It stormed and rained all day.

The coffins were broken to fragments, the vessels dashed to pieces, and the skeletons thrown into the sea; and the remaining caverns were stormed with like results.

The contemporaries of Captain Garcia speak of a number of forts or pucarás which had to be stormed and captured before Tupac Amaru could be taken prisoner.

It is probably one of the forts stormed by Captain Garcia and his men in 1571.

"Go away from our gate," she stormed.

"Go away from our gate," she stormed.

The camp was on fire in his rear, and resounded with all the various shouts of conquest and terror that are heard in a town which is stormed.

She had then for six weeks a succession of tenants, who left the house on Saturday, and, instead of paying their rent, stormed at their landlady.

He stormed, and raved, and declaring that he would have heirs of his own, and not give his substance to cheats and cowards, married the girl in two days, and has now four children.

They are sincerely moved at the thought of their loved ones putting a long distance between them, and I saw a score of young and old sobbing bitterly when the Noa-Noa left for San Francisco though they stormed the stokers lustily when aroused.

With these delicacies beyond their means, the natives stormed the two pork butchers, the Tinitos.

His whiskers would have bristled with rage and he would have stormed at you for hair-splitting and "lingo," if you had answered that William was German Emperor, while Napoleon was not French Emperor, but only Emperor of the French.

Britt stormed and threatened, but the inscrutable Mohammedans shook their heads and hastened toward the gates.

It never stormed, but it was always cloudy.

"What should she be doing in my shed?" "You let her out," stormed Mr. Rose, trying to push past him.

The resistance of the Malays was in vain, the fort was stormed, and soon carried; not, however, till almost every individual in it was slain.

Upon this intelligence, Low raved and stormed like a fury, ordered the captain's lips to be cut off and broiled before his eyes, then murdered him and all his crew.

If, when a schoolboy, poring over the pages of my country's history, I have stood, in imagination, with Prescott at Bunker Hill, and stormed with Ethan Allen at the gates of Ticonderoga, I have also mourned with Washington at Valley Forge, and followed Marion and Sumter through the wilds of Carolina.

10208 examples of  stormed  in sentences