70 examples of strafing in sentences

For several nights, with the object of giving the enemy the impression of a nightly strafe, there had been artillery and machine-gun demonstrations occurring about the same time and lasting as long as those planned for the night of the crossing.

Orders were that not a shot was to be fired except by the guns and machine guns making their nightly strafe.

They are only "strafing" Fritz or making ready to "strafe" him; they have had an excellent midday meal in the huts yonder, and they whistle and sing as they go about their work, disappearing sometimes into mysterious regions out of sight.

They are only "strafing" Fritz or making ready to "strafe" him; they have had an excellent midday meal in the huts yonder, and they whistle and sing as they go about their work, disappearing sometimes into mysterious regions out of sight.

On the lime-washed wall and very carefully preserved is "Gott strafe England" which the late occupants wrote in charcoal as they fled.

That the "Hymn of Hate" should be with us a cause for jest, and "strafe" be adopted, with enthusiasm, into the English language, he cannot understand.

When I remembered the treatment that I saw our sick and wounded prisoners in Germany get from the Hun doctor, I was often furious, and determined to do a bit of "strafing" on my own.

But these, our men noticed, were ever the quickest to "strafe," always the first to rail and upbraid and strike when a German officer was near.

So come again, but at another time, Say after breakfast or some hour like that, Or I will strafe you with a viler rhyme I will, by Jove! or eat my shell-proof hat.

The G.O.C. is strafing horribly to know.

If they are strafing all along the line, inspect Transport.

A German woman told me the other day that in her house it was the custom to fine everybody in the family ten pfennigs if they came down to breakfast without saying: "Gott strafe die Englander!"

"Gott strafe England!

And as I realized that probably this was just a part of the regular day's work, a bit of ordinary strafing, and not a feature of a grand attack, I took note of the rhythm.

There were mighty few lights in evidence; you do not advertise a road to Fritz's airplanes when you are traveling roads anywhere near the front, for he has guns of long range, that can at times manage to strafe a road that is supposed to be beyond the zone of fire with a good deal of effect I have seldom seen a blacker night than that.

I thought, "Why not make a cellar, and thus have a place to dive into when the strafing begins."

"If the Huns' minds work on the fixed and appointed path, one would expect the same old field will get a strafing this afternoon," said the captain afterwards.

I have heard the monkeys strafing

He was not the "strafing" kind.

Soldier asks soldier how he is strafing to-day.

Had the Germans succeeded in "strafing" us out of it yet?

The German gunners were "strafing" in a very lively way this afternoon.

They were giving the communication trench a turn at "strafing," now, and shells were urgently dropping behind us.

Psychologists take notice; and golfers are reminded that their favourite expletives when they foozle will come perfectly natural to them when the Germans are "strafing.

But here they can withdraw behind a convenient ridge, and strafe Boches a mile and a half away, without causing any complaints.

70 examples of  strafing  in sentences