29 examples of straunge in sentences

Beholde the beginninge of daunses, togeather with their fruits and properties, which if they be well considered, and deeply waighed by sound and rype understandinge, it will not, or shall not bee thought straunge & maruailous, that I condemne them, hauing indeede on my syde as well the authority of the doctors of the Church, as of the fathers which were found or present at certayne auncient, and olde councels.

Sil. Well met, fair Nymph, or Goddesse if ye bee; Tis straunge, me thinkes, that one of your degree Should walke these solitary groues alone.

Some hid conceit that harbors in your thought Which hath therein some straunge impression wrought, That by the course thereof you seeme to mee An other man then you were wont to bee. Ap.

We wish ye go with vs for companie Unto a wise man wonning in this wood, Hight Aramanth, whose wit and skill is good, That he may certifie our mazing doubt How this straunge chaunce and chaunge hath fallen out.

Then why art thou so straunge, Or wherefore doth thy plighted fancie chaunge?

But, sweet Eurymine, make some report Why thou departedst from my father's court, And how this straunge mishap to thee befell: Let me entreat thou wouldst the processe tell.

Looke not so straunge; it is thy father's voyce, And this thy Love; Atlanta, now rejoice.

One passage is worth transcribing 'Among all other lessons, this should first be learned, that we never affect any straunge ynkhorne termes, but to speake as is commonly received, neither seeking to be over fine, nor yet being over carelesse, using our speeche as most men doe, and ordering our wittes as the fewest have done.

The chaunge was straunge from silke and cloth of gold To rugged fryze, my carcass for to cloath; From prince's fare, and dainties hot and cold, To rotten fish, and meats that one would loath: The diet and dressing were much alike boath: Bedding and lodging were all alike fine, Such down it was as served well for swyne.

" "Certes," said he, "I meane me to disguize In some straunge habit, after uncouth wize, Or like a pilgrime, or a lymiter, 85 [Lymiter, I.e. a friar licensed to beg within a certain district.]

Wide is the world I wote, and everie streete 90 Is full of fortunes and adventures straunge, Continuallie subiect unto chaunge.

Straunge thing me seemeth, that so small a thing Should able be so great an one to wring.

Sure verye straunge to be hearde of in these countries, and yet I heare some saye (I knowe not howe truely) that they haue knowne the like before in their dayes.

Tis most straunge.

And zif ony straunge messagre come there to a lord, men maken him to ete but ones a day, and that fulle litille.

Tis most straunge.

Heres a straunge humor!

thys is straunge.

So pray you tourne me then into an hospytall, I have a straunge disease.

Tys most straunge: He is as valyent as is victorye, And dare uppon a roughe say [sea?] hye as heaven Court all amazed daunger.

Thy pardon, Richard: love thats too vyolent Is evermore with some straunge myscheifs spentt.

The ende of thys straunge purposse.

Yet his returne is straunge.

Chaucer says, the Wif of Bathe "Had passed many a straunge streem; At Rome sche hadde ben, and at Boloyne, In Galice at Seynt Jame, and at Coloyne.

The state of the castle at this period is thus described by Leland:"It is a straunge sighte to se be

29 examples of  straunge  in sentences