2875 examples of straws in sentences

Do not allow yourselves to be frightened at straws; keep your eyes open and do your duty! "BILLINGER, "Director of Police.

Bayonets thrust at him were straws.

If we represent things as they are, their intensity, their depth, their unworldly gravity and earnestness, must inevitably repel lighter spirits, as the reverse pole of the magnet drives off sticks and straws.

The grebes glided about with new feather-collars around the neck; and the jack-snipes were gathering straws for their nests.

I was a drowning man, then, Tumultyclutching at straws, till I became an adept at it.

Roll out thin, cut into straws, lift on to baking sheet carefully with a knife, placing them a little apart, and bake a pale brownabout 10 minutes in moderate oven.

Cheese Straws (2).

Add seasoning, and make into paste with one egg, roll out, stamp out a few rings, make the rest into straws, bake and put a bundle of straws into each ring.

Add seasoning, and make into paste with one egg, roll out, stamp out a few rings, make the rest into straws, bake and put a bundle of straws into each ring.

Parmesan Puff Pie. Prepare some cheese pastry, as for "Straws No. 1," and with it line a round shallow tin or tart ring.

The bang has the dishevelled appearance of a pile of jack-straws.

The power of caricature being greater in hats than in hair-dressing, is it not fit that we should give careful and intelligent consideration to the selection of our millinery that the ugly lines in our otherwise beautiful faces may not be at the mercy of mocking bunches of ribbons, comically tilted straws, or floppy bits of lace?

He was not a man, indeed, who dealt in hems and hawsdid not require to sleep upon a simple questionand is not a person whose course is to be stopped, as many little big men are, by two straws crossed.

That terrific chant was now at its highest and wildest, and he and the doctor were caught in the human maelstrom and swirled hither and thither like straws.

It exasperated him beyond all measure to recall what little things his luck had hinged upon, what straws had turned his feet.

" "Don't you ever feel, Henrietta, that we're simply straws in the strong wind?

There were cold cheese straws to eat with it.

Sahwah agreed amiably; she did not care two straws about fortune-telling herself, but she knew Hinpoha's hobby and willingly submitted to countless "readings" of her future, in various ways, by the ardent amateur seeress.

When sticks and straws and frost-tinted leaves, floating down past us toward the James, changed their minds and started back up the Kittewan, Gadabout went with them.

Think of this miserable man of coming political possibilities,an unpresentable boor, sucked into office by one of those eddies in the flow of popular sentiment which carry straws and chips into the public harbor, while the prostrate trunks of the monarchs of the forest hurry down on the senseless stream to the gulf of political oblivion!

Straws in the wind.

"We'll split straws later," said Ronicky.

Like light straws dependent on strong winds, all creatures, O Bharatas, are dependent on God!

Nest made of a few leaves or straws, in a bird-box when it is providedotherwise in a hollow tree.

It was Mr. Holabird's weakness, when money was easy with him, to bring home straws like these to the home nest.

2875 examples of  straws  in sentences