1230 examples of streaked in sentences

He leapt, and at the same instant, as perfectly timed as though the whole matter had been carefully rehearsed, Brutus' great bulk had streaked across the deck, crashing towards Mr. Sims like an unleashed fury.

Before purchasing bacon, ascertain that it is perfectly free from rust, which may easily be detected by its yellow colour; and for broiling, the streaked part of the thick flank, is generally the most esteemed.

[Footnote 29: The wild tulip of Shiraz has white petals streaked with pink, the inner end of each bearing a deep puce mark.

Wherever that rather short, but well-knit figure appeared, with his red beard, well streaked with grey, beneath the red Staff cap, confidence reigned in all our troops.

His face was grimy and streaked with perspiration; his clothes were torn and dusty, and in his hand he still carried his shoes and stockings.

Huge fragments of obsidian, black and shining, some of it streaked with white seams, line the road.

On each side, he got a glimpse of dark rocks, streaked with white where the wind had packed the snow into the gullies.

They broke upon the hill tops in heavy showers, gray mist drifted about the wet slopes, the becks roared in the ghylls, and threads of foam that wavered in the wind streaked the crags.

The bent-grass on the hillside shone a warm yellow, wet rocks glittered like silver in the strong light, and the higher slopes, where belts of green moss checkered the heather, were streaked by lines of snowy foam.

To our left broad yellow sands, streaked with seaweed and dark driftwood, and cold grey waters of the Caspian Seacolourless and dead even under this Mediterranean sky, and bringing one back, so to speak, from a beautiful dream to stern reality.

Daisy's hair was light brown and streaked with gray.

They streaked through the rooms like chain lightning, and in the dead of night went galloping over the piano keyboard with sounds so blood-curdling that Suydam put his mattress on the sofa and his sleeping-bag on top of that, and, shutting himself in, defied them.

Men streaked up from the engine-room and across the wharfafter all, the wharf would be the thing he'd try forand I found myself out on the flat with them just as there came another crash, but this time over by the Barbarossa across the bay.

She came back into the room followed by a tall stout man, whose upper lip and short stubby beard streaked with grey seemed a poor match for the beady eyes which lurked behind a pair of clumsy spectacles.

The cowpunchers, hearing that volleying of hoofbeats, went to spur and quirt to stave off the inevitable, but at five furlongs Lady Mary left her sisters and streaked around the tiring range horses into the lead.

In the moonlight it was an immense plane of vivid silver streaked with serpentine shadows.

To make streaked gillyflowers, we marry a gentler scion to the wildest stock, and Nature does the rest.

Men in pink pugareesin lemon-colouredin emerald green; women in blood-red saris, bearing shining brass pots upon their heads, all talking, shouting, jostlinga large family of monkeys on a neighbouring roof added their quota of conversationcalm oxen, often with red-painted horns and pink-streaked bodies, camels, asses, horses, strolled about or pushed their way through the throng.

Upper parts brown, streaked with dusty; some bright bay on the wings, but no yellow anywhere, and two white tail-feathers.

A dark chestnut cap, a light stripe over the eye, and a dark stripe behind the eye; forehead and bill black; back streaked with black, brown, and buff; rump slate-gray; wings and tail dusky.

"When you have learned his many songs, his pretty sociable ways, and have seen his cheerfulness and patience in hard times, you will, I know, agree with me that all possible good bird qualities are packed into this little streaked Sparrow.

Head and back all streaked with gray and brown, and a brown stripe on each side of throat.

Female: streaked brownish above and below, without any rosy color, but orange-yellow under the wings; she looks like an overgrown Sparrow with a swelled face.

With him whose lovely mouth is like a lotus that is opening, With him whose words are nectar in their sweetness and their tenderness, With him who wears a garment streaked with gold, all white and beautiful Not made to sigh is she, my friend, derided by her girls!

Great half globes of tawny amber, streaked with delicate wavy lines of black, surrounding pupils of intense purple fire.

1230 examples of  streaked  in sentences