12806 examples of stream in sentences

He seemed to be standing nearly waist-deep in the stream, and still holding on to his tough little steel rod.

"You can pick up a dozen along this side of the stream.

In fact, Obed simply told them to follow the stream up three miles until they came to a bunch of seven birch trees on the right-hand bank.

"Three miles, he said, up this stream," observed Bandy-legs, as they started gaily forth, Max in the lead, and Toby bringing up the rear.

"Never again!" From that Max could judge the lesson had been impressed on Steve's mind indelibly; and that as long as he lived he would be careful how he entered an unknown stream when fishing; and especially how he became so engrossed in his sport as to stand a length of time in one spot, without working his feet up and down so as to make sure they were free from clinging sand.

Sometimes there was a little good-natured dispute concerning something or other, for boys have different minds, and are apt to view things from various angles; but as time passed they made such good progress that Max presently announced his belief they must presently glimpse the seven birch trees mentioned by Obed Grimes, as marking the place where they were to quit the bank of the stream.

Gloria wanted to ask Mr. King about a certain little bird which she had seen here, a little fellow who might have been the embodiment of the stream's joy; she knew from her father that King was an intimate friend of wild things and could tell her all about it.

When they came to a spring freshet which they had crossed this morning King turned off to the right, riding up-stream, his horse's hoofs splashing mightily in the water.

They ploughed through what looked to her like an impenetrable thicket; they forded the stream where it widened out placidly, stepping on boulders.

"But," said he, "I present to you this property on these conditionsyou must not give up your occupationyou must go every day, as usual, to the river-side, and wash clothes; for perhaps in process of time you may discover another box floating down the stream, containing another infant!"

He started right off before the fellows in the boat noticed him and was heading across stream.

Presently he paused again, muttering to himself "It's blamed queer I haven't heard the youngsters coming down with the scow; I certainly should have heard them if they'd passed anywhere nearguess I'd best walk on a little way up stream.

Neighbor Hedden, now intent upon his new thoughts, hurried along the bank of the stream.

And what had befallen Tom and the children, on the fearful day of their sail up the beautiful stream?

The young pale-faces are to her like the water-lilies of the stream.

Next the maidens of the tribe rushed upon him, and, hurrying him to a stream that ran near by, dragged him into the water until it reached his waist, and tried to force his head under.

In short, I had seen the British press, the grand palladium of British liberty, devoted to the cause of Gallic licentiousness, that mortal enemy of all freedom, and even the pure stream of British criticism diverted from its natural course, and polluted by the pestilential vapours of Gallic republicanism.

The stream of events, having its fountains in iniquity, has its end in retribution.

Simultaneously a stream of machine-gun bullets went storming past.

His excitement seemed to stream away from him, as though Semyonov were drawing it out of him.

Some one had placed a bucket near the door to catch a perpetual stream flowing from the corner of the room.

The stream flowed on....

From this point I could see several further bridges and streets, and over them all I saw the same stream flowing, the same banners blowingand all so still, so dumb, so patient.

I cursed the Isvostchick, but wherever he went this slow endless stream seemed to impede our way.

So that as he talked I just longed to rush back and see that my villageTopright in Wiltshirewas safe and sound with the highgate at the end of the village street, and the village stores with the lollipop windows, and the green with the sheep on it, and the ruddy stream with the small trout and the high Down beyond....

12806 examples of  stream  in sentences