12806 examples of streams in sentences

He had just been hearing from a friend of the very brilliant season at Deauville this year, and the streams of gold that flowed into the caisse of the management of the new hotel and casino.

It has upon it trees, streams, woodland, and meadow-land.

For myself, I have come to regard these mountains, these lakes and streams, these old forests, and all this wild region, as my settled summer resort, instead of the discomforts, the jam, the excitement, and the unrest of the watering-places or the sea shore.

What I wanted was, to get outside of the city, among the hills, where I could see the old woods, the streams, the mountains, and get a breath of fresh air, such as I used to breathe.

Down the world's wide road, Float, float where streams the breath of God; Nor turn thy prow to breast the wave.

Instances, though not equally illustrious, yet approximating to these in splendour, may doubtless be adduced after the fall of the Roman empire; but then they have been formed on these great ancients as models, and are, consequently, only rivulets from Platonic streams.

I shall only further observe, that Longinus, in the above testimony, does not give the least hint of his having found any polluted streams, or corruption of the doctrines of Plato, in the works of Plotinus.

Was it because that mitred sophist, Warburton, thought fit to talk of the polluted streams of the Alexandrian school, without knowing any thing of the source whence those streams are derived?

Was it because that mitred sophist, Warburton, thought fit to talk of the polluted streams of the Alexandrian school, without knowing any thing of the source whence those streams are derived?

Hence he is considered by this prince of critics, as deriving into himself abundant streams from the Homeric fountain, and is compared by him, in his rivalship of Homer, to a new antagonist who enters the lists against one that is already the object of universal admiration.

Oh, the days are growing longer; Over whispering streams will rushes lean, To answer the waves' soft murmurous call; The lily will bend from its watch-tower green, To list to the lark's low madrigal, And the days are growing longer.

Her violet velvet curtains trail Down to the floor, But brightly God's rich sunshine streams Into my cottage door; And not a picture on her walls, Hath beauty unto me, Like that which from my window frame I daily lean to see.

he hurls down icebergs in his wrath, he tosses them about, upon the streams he tosses the kyaks like feathers and washes the land with the waves of Sitth.

Thy eye from heaven this land beholdeth, Such fruitful dews down on it raining, That storehouse-like her lap enfoldeth Assuréd hope of ploughman's gaining: Thy flowing streams her drought doth temper so, That buried seed through yielding grave doth grow.

And then the hills began to show their head; The vales their hollow bosoms opened plain, The streams ran trembling down the vales again; And that the earth no more might drowned be, He set the sea his bounds of liberty; And though his waves resound and beat the shore, Yet it is bridled by his holy lore.

Nay, desert grounds the streams do not forsake, But through the unknown ways their journey take; The asses wild that hide in wilderness, Do thither come, their thirst for to refresh.

Nor is it earth alone exalts thy name, But seas and streams likewise do spread the same.

That back and side that ran with bloody streams Daunt angels' eyes with their majestic beams; Those feet, once fastened to the cursed tree, Trample on Death and Hell, in glorious glee.

Behold those joys thou never canst behold; Those precious gates of pearl, those streets of gold, Those streams of life, those trees of Paradise That never can be seen by mortal eyes!

Here is another yet more beautiful: So down the silver streams of Eridan,[90]

When I remember Christ our burden bears, I look for glory, but find misery; I look for joy, but find a sea of tears; I look that we should live, and find him die; I look for angels' songs, and hear him cry: Thus what I look, I cannot find so well; Or rather, what I find I cannot tell, These banks so narrow are, those streams so highly swell.

She was all of a quiver with delight, with profound gratitude to the Providence which was restoring her to the old house, the wide moors, the brawling streams which she knew now were dearer to her than life itself.

Three broad streams of armed men had rolled slowly but irresistibly from the Rhine, now meandering to the north, now to the south, dividing, coalescing, but all uniting to form one great lake round Paris.

It was a deep dell on the banks of the upper waters of one of those streams that serve to swell the Ontario.

Towards this amiable woman and her son, the warm affections which had been pent up in the young heart of our little heroine, since the death of her mother and infant brother, now gushed forth in copious streams; for, though she loved her father with a tenderness scarcely to be expected, and certainly unmerited by one who manifested such indifference in return, she dared not express her feelings in words or caresses.

12806 examples of  streams  in sentences