18 examples of street's in sentences

Badger was the most celebrated of Wall Street's near-financiers.

Fergusson's History of Architecture; Durand's Parallels; Eastlake's Gothic and Revival; Ruskin, Daly, and Penrose; Britton's Cathedrals and Architectural Antiquities; Pugin's Specimens and Examples of Gothic Architecture; Rickman's Styles of Gothic Architecture; Street's Gothic Architecture in Spain; Encyclopaedia Britannica (article Architecture).

But even if it doesn't bring in quite as much, you mustn't forget that Calder Street's going downit's getting more and more of a slum.

Thank God I can rejoice In human thingsthe multitude's glad voice, The street's warm surge beneath the city light, The rush of hurrying faces on my sight, The million-celled emotion in the press That would their human fellowship confess.

If you did, [yet I don't remember that you ever wrote to me, that you did,] you would never have found your way to the vile house, either by the woman's name, Sin- clair, or by the street's name, mentioned by that Doleman in his letter about the lodgings.

And now, (all around me so still and so silent,) the rattling of the chariot-wheels at a street's distance do I hear!

His ancestors are HIS business: Wall Street's mine.

Ah, few but haggard brows had part Below that street's uneven crown, And there the murmurs of the mart Swarmed faint as hums of drowsy noon.

The whole street's altered and London's gone and the people I used to know and the houses I used to rest in, and everything; and I'm tired.

Our street's full of 'em, and the way they carry on would make a monkey-'ouse ashamed of itself.

St. Albans, Holborn; the great church designed by Mr. Butterfield, in Margaret street; Mr. Street's church near Vincent square, Westminster; and several churches of Mr. Brooks', such as he was kind enough to enable me to illustrate tonight, may be mentioned as examples of the sort.

Congo Square was void of soldiers before half Canal street's new red-white-and-red bunting could be thrown to the air.

WHITELEATHER, MELVIN K. Main Street's new neighbors.

WHITELEATHER, MELVIN K. Main Street's new neighbors.

Always the street's stillness held that singing murmur, vibrant with deep undertones from dock and river and the outer sea.

"The street's public property.

In 1776 General Putnam, meeting a procession of the Sons of Liberty who were parading a number of Tories on rails up and down the street's of New York, attempted to put a stop to the barbarous proceeding.

But we will remain here in this smoke-enveloped town, with the silent street's dark houses.

18 examples of  street's  in sentences