58 examples of strivings in sentences

Well, I mean" "Strivings?"

A number of life reactions are classifiable as the strivings of endocrine inferior individuals to overcome their sense of inferiority.

The strivings of the outer man were unutterablehe seemed not to speak, but to be spoken from.

Thenceforth she turned her strivings after truth To winning outward charm the more complete, And hid her inner self more deeply 'neath

He analyzes with marked keenness and subtlety the experiences of the soul, its sickening failures, and its eager strivings amid complex, puzzling conditions.

Draw this spirit from its Source if you can lay hold of him; bear him with you on your downward path, and stand ashamed when you are forced to confess that a good man in his dark strivings has a consciousness of the right way.

If in his strivings after amelioration he was too denunciatory as well as too radical, we must remember the temper and manner of the man, and recognize how difficult it was in him, or in any iconoclast who scorned modern science as Ruskin scorned it, to reconcile the age of steam and industrial machinery, which he spurned and would have none of, with the views he held of Christianity, morals, and faith.

In all the endeavors and struggles of life, in all our strivings and longings, there is only one thing worth seeking, only one thing worth winning, and that is love.

Butafter his strivings with jealousy, and his defeatit was balm that she should depend upon him, and want him with her in this adventure.

In view of these numerous strivings we are compelled to inquire exactly what these educators accomplished.

The successful strivings of the race in the District of Columbia furnish us with striking examples of Negroes making educational progress.

Since the power to determine the will according to one's own insight of itself establishes only an empty consistency and loyalty to conviction, and may also subserve immoral craft, the first Idea waits for its content from the four following. (2) The Idea of perfection has reference to the quantitative relations of the manifold strivings of a subject, in intensity, extension, and concentration.

This, then, was the end of all my struggles and strivings.

Ah, many such strivings and prayers in those days went up from silent hearts in obscure solitudes, that wrestled and groaned under that mighty burden which Luther at last received strength to heave from the heart of the Church.

So that it was not strange that well-meaning labor men, judging from personal experiences or arguing from analogy, came to the conclusion, paralyzing indeed to their own strivings after an all-inclusive, nation-wide organization of the workers, that women could not be organized.

I do wish He were never out of my thoughts and that the aim to do His will swallowed up all other desires and strivings.

To represent in art the intellectual strivings of the Renaissance was the task of Florence and her sons; to create a monument of Renaissance magnificence was the task of Venice.

The drama of courtship, with its prolonged strivings and doubtful success, would be cut quite short, and the race would degenerate through the absence of that sexual selection for which the protracted preliminaries of love-making give opportunity.

[-33-] Accordingly, when the offices had been settled, they possessed the object of their strivings.

She dismissed Lorry and Estelle and Saint X's fashionable strivings and, in the library, sat down to compose a letter to Doryno easy task in those days, when there were seething in her mind and heart so much that she longed to tell him but ought not, so much that she ought to tell but could not.

"Why, I have heard somewhere," says he, "that at its uttermost this success is but the strivings of an ape reft of his tail, and grown rusty at climbing, who yet feels himself to be a symbol and the frail representative of Omnipotence in a place that is not home.

Yet, looking back,now that this famed Count of Poictesme means less to me,why, I seem to see only the strivings of an ape reft of his tail, and grown rusty at climbing, who has reeled blunderingly from mystery to mystery, with pathetic makeshifts, not understanding anything, greedy in all desires, and always honeycombed with poltroonery.

After saying what was given me, I prayed with her, feeling sweetly assisted: when we arose from our knees she unburthened her mind, and told me she had 'grieved the Spirit' and now, not feeling His strivings, she had ceased to pray, and had given, up all.

Early Irish history is not the record of the clan-strivings of a petty and remote population, far from the centre of civilization.

The origin of disease may lie in our troublesour nervous shocks, our remorses, and better strivings.

58 examples of  strivings  in sentences