122 examples of stubby in sentences

Slowly he loosened the dirty red handkerchief he kept swathed about his throat, and raised a stubby hand to push the hair from his heavy forehead.

" Having noted these details, Patsy's uncle smoothed back his stubby gray hair with a reflective and half puzzled gesture.

In the novel domains they now traversed the small dog's excitable nature led him to investigate everything that seemed suspicious, but he was so cowardly, in spite of this, that once when Patsy let him down to chase a gopher or prairie dogthey were not sure whichthe animal turned at bay and sent Mumbles retreating with his stubby tail between his legs.

The chauffeur, partly an Indian himself, knew well how to manage his captive and quieted the fellow by squeezing his throat with his broad stubby fingers.

"Shut up, Stubby," commanded a hoarse voice from the group.

" "I've engaged the dark eyed one for the first dance," persisted Stubby, as a dozen hands dragged him away from the door.

Why, last fall Stubby there rode eighty miles to Buxton, just to stand on a corner and see a lot of greasy Mexican women go by.

The man called "Stubby," who had a round, good-humored face, stepped eagerly to Myrtle's side and exclaimed: "Let me assist you, please."

And Stubby added in his earnest way; "Dan'l was never more needed in his life.

Stubby had placed himself near the three young ladies, whom he eyed with adoring glances, and somehow none of the prisoners regarded this childish young fellow in exactly the same light as they did his comrades.

Mr. Merrick engaged Stubby in conversation.

" "Oh, we're all kinds, I suppose, good and bad," admitted Stubby.

" Stubby laughed.

Stubby escorted the party and ushered them into a good sized room which he said was "Algy's study," although no one ever studied there.

"You see, we're going to have a rare lark this afternoon," continued Stubby, confidentially.

" With this Stubby bowed low and retreated toward the door, which suddenly opened to admit old Dan'l the fiddler, who was thrust in so violently that his body collided with that of Stubby and nearly knocked him over.

" With this Stubby bowed low and retreated toward the door, which suddenly opened to admit old Dan'l the fiddler, who was thrust in so violently that his body collided with that of Stubby and nearly knocked him over.

Rather earlier than expected Stubby and Tim came to say "they had been appointed a committee to escort their guests to the banquet hall, where dinner would at once be served.

" "We shall have to clear away for the dance," added Stubby, "so we want to get the feast over with as quickly as possible.

"We can eat any time," remarked Stubby, with his mouth full; "but his Satanic majesty only knows when Hades Ranch will see another dancewith real ladies for partners.

"They're quite right, boys," said Stubby, nodding his bullethead.

Take a look at him; impulsive, generous, not what you would call handsome, but possessed of a genial eye and a ready tongue, a stubby nose and a few scattered freckles.

In the broad wastes open to the wind the sand drifts in hummocks about the stubby shrubs, and between them the soil shows saline traces.

But by making a business of it one may come upon them in wide, quiet cañons, or on the lookouts of lonely, table-topped mountains, three or four together, in the tops of stubby trees or on rotten cliffs well open to the sky.

The beginning of spring in Shoshone Landoh the soft wonder of it!is a mistiness as of incense smoke, a veil of greenness over the whitish stubby shrubs, a web of color on the silver sanded soil.

122 examples of  stubby  in sentences