9613 examples of stuck in sentences

His first thought had been to jump after crying out to Jack, but seeing that his friend had not understood, Frank stuck to his post, trying as well as he knew how to bring the plane to the sea as gently as possible.

But the British tars stuck to their guns and they continued to hurl shells into the German line until the water of the North Sea washed over them.

We moved on slowly and got stuck in a bad block of traffic at San Giorgio cross roads.

We were fairly stuck now, half blocking the road.

We stuck for hours at a time, with nothing moving for miles, three motionless lines of traffic abreast on the road, all pointing in the same direction.

I walked on and found a British Red Cross Ambulance stuck in the block.

I told him they were getting near now, but stuck fast in the

but, though he had most need of a blessing, the word stuck in his throat, and he could not pronounce it.

This is the shop, and those are the chocolates stuck on that sheet of white paper.

I'm the boy to shute the Gospel to the aristocracy.' Lancelot burst into a roar of laughter, and escaped over the next gate: but the Irishman's coarse hints stuck by him as they were intended to do.

We were intensely voluble or silent by turns, and invented new nicknames for each other, which were so apt, spite of being touched with bitterness, that they stuck forevermore.

" "'E's stuck hunder the library!" exclaimed the butler, and there was a rush for the upper floors.

I'm stuck in an idiotic elevator at 1008-1/2 Fifth Avenue.

Imagine what effect such a telegram would have on them!" "Then cross out the street and number," he said; "just say I'm stuck in a strange elevator.

But the car stuck again.

He now had four fingers in the air; he examined them seriously, and then stuck up the fifth.

I have lunched divinely, a maid is on the way to me, Clarence remains somewhere safe indoors, Mr. Quinn is flitting from faucet to faucet, the electric light and the telephone will be in working order before very longand it is all due to you!" "II did a few things I almost w-wish I hadn't," stammered Brown, "b-because I can't, somehow, decently t-tell you how tremendously II" He stuck fast.

But I think in your very naturaleraffection for Lady Mary"the word stuck in his throat"you are, perhaps, over-anxious.

Normally it stuck in a position which permitted whoever was at the zinc an uninterrupted view of the desk of la dame du comptoir.

I said, calm and dignified, like the perfec' lady I am, 'All ri', you can do as you please with your old show, I don't care, I don't care, nothing bothers me,' and with those kind words I caper up to the dressing room and take that expensive gown I wear in the third act and stuck it in the wash bowl and turned on the water.

Well, when she takes her head off his shoulder the pin naturally comes along, too, and then she got afraid that he would think she was trying to nick it so she stuck the pin in her hat band, intending to restore it on the way home.

He got so proud and stuck up that he wouldn't even hunt for a job, until at last it got so unbearable that I had to get a divorce.

But congratulation stuck in Crowther's throat.

Which proves that I just slid in here and stuck you up from behind, while you were looking over the gent you'd just killed.

The thought of the schoolteacher having killed so formidable a fighter as Sandersen stuck in his mind as a thing too contrary to probability.

9613 examples of  stuck  in sentences