8 examples of suage in sentences

Does the inscrutable Artemis indeed demand offerings of human blood to suage her anger?

780 The same rough means that 'suage the crowd, appease Our senates raging with the crowd's disease.

As men tormented with a burning fever, Dream that with drink they 'suage their grievous thirst, But when they wake they find their thirst persever, And to be greater than it was at first; So she whose thoughts from love sleep could not sever, Dreamt of that thing for which she 'wake did thirst; But waking, felt and found it as before, Her hope still less, and her desire still more.

About were seated, carelessly and after the manner of men who had pulled at the bottle for hours in the hunting field and were now somewhat overcome by warmth and ennui, beaux old and young, 'suaging their appetite of mouth and eye by wine and women.

"Methinks 'twould be a good beginning, if thou wouldst renew thy suit by sending the maid to her chamber and let her espouse Morpheus and 'suage her grief upon a bosom thou needst not be jealous of."

Sir Julian's sword-prick had goaded Cantemir to an anger that was 'suaged neither by good old wine nor the council of the monk.

here she showed a billet and rode close to the wall and hid it neath the ivy"and a famous adventure which I've half a mind to pursue, afterI've 'suaged my hunger.

She passed from flower to flower, endeavouring to 'suage the uprisings of Cupid.

8 examples of  suage  in sentences