78 examples of suavely in sentences

" "'The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley,'" said her husband suavely.

Of course they do give that in drink cases, but I should be sorry to think" "Drugs, more likely," Mr. Naylor suavely interposed.

" "Your conduct was so obviously and punctiliously correct," he replied suavely, "that I thought my answer could wait till I met you here to-day, as I knew that I was to have the pleasure of doing."

"Sergeant," he said suavely but gravely, "my friend here relies on you.

"I think you must have known it," he corrected suavely.

and he thought it exempt from military duty, he was suavely informed that a power higher than the governor required that team and that it must go to Abercrombie.

"A singular record of fidelity," he remarked suavely.

"We'll say I did and that you didn't hear me," he answered suavely.

" "You've learned something," said Mr. Tutt suavely.

"How do?" Canim answered suavely and directly, pointing at the same time to Li Wan.

Therefore the gentleman in question most graciously and suavely inquired of Mr. Theodore Hook 'I beg your pardon, sir, but are you a member of this university?'the usual form.

Alan was already suavely master of himself, the venom expunged from his eyes.

"Delighted," bowed the captain suavely and permitted Larry to take his bag and lead the way to the car.

" "That also states the case for Major Carteret," rejoined Dr. Price, suavely.

"It's a mere formality, sir," he was saying suavely, "accompanied by a mental reservation.

"That is precisely what I am here to explain," said Kent, suavely.

"I was merely giving madame your message, M. Auguste, when this gentleman interposed, threatened me, maltreated me" "Oh, surely not; it is some mistake;" the manager spoke most suavely.

"I'm the last person in the world whose censure you need fear, my dear," she said suavely.

"It would be advisable, your Grace," observed the Earl of Derby, suavely, and breaking his silence for the first time, "that you yourself should wed Dame Anne, once the Apostolic See has granted the necessary dispensation.

"Yet was mercy ever the prerogative of royal persons," the Vicomte suavely said, "and the Navarrese we know of was both royal and very merciful, O Constant Lover.

My partner on the other side turned to me suavely and asked if I thought the verses in Abraham Lincoln were a beauty or a blemish; and with the assistance of the London stage, the flight to America, Mrs. FULTON'S Blight, Mr. WALPOLE'S Secret City and the prospects of the new Academy, I sailed serenely into port.

Her command for him to take her to luncheonand it had been a command, however suavely she had managed to veil itbore also the stamp of urgency.

"Quite so, quite so, good master," he said suavely, "do ye not waste your breath in speaking thus loudly.

There had been an infinite variety of meanings hidden in the exclamation, but he demanded suavely: "What point of the question causes you to exclaim 'Good God'?" The sang-froid of Lord Tancred never deserted him.

And Zara had smiled for an instant, overcome by his charm, and so she had put her fingers on his arm, and they had gone down to dinner; and now they were talking suavely.

78 examples of  suavely  in sentences