40 examples of subiect in sentences

What doe we Princes differ from the durt And basenesse of the common Multitude If to the scorne of each malicious tongue We subiect are: For that I had no skill, Not he that his farre famed daughter set A prise to Victoria and had bin Crown'd

How are your sorrowes subiect?

We have the selfe-same passages for Nature With mortall men; our pulses beate like theirs: We are subiect unto passions as they are.

Wide is the world I wote, and everie streete 90 Is full of fortunes and adventures straunge, Continuallie subiect unto chaunge.

"Now," sayd he, "whiles the Lyon sleepeth sound, May we his crowne and mace take from the ground, And eke his skinne, the terror of the wood, Wherewith we may our selves, if we thinke good, 970 Make kings of beasts, and lords of forests all Subiect unto that powre imperiall.

I say not, as the common voyce doth say, That all things which beneath the moone have being Are temporall and subiect to decay: But I say rather, though not all agreeing With some that weene the contrarie in thought, That all this whole shall one day come to nought.

The fresh yong flie, in whom the kindly fire Of lustfull yongth* began to kindle fast, Did much disdaine to subiect his desire 35 To loathsome sloth, or houres in ease to wast; But ioy'd to range abroad in fresh attire Through the wide compas of the ayrie coast, And with unwearied wings each part t'inquire Of the wide rule of his renownned sire.

Beginning then below, with th'easie vew Of this base world, subiect to fleshly eye, From thence to mount aloft, by order dew, To contemplation of th'immortall sky; 25 Of the soare faulcon

[Sidenote: 16] Why this same strict and most obseruant Watch, So nightly toyles the subiect of the Land, And why such dayly Cast of Brazon Cannon

But that I'me subiect to the law & know My blowes are mortall, I would strike thee dead.

The King, our Master, writes heere, Englishman, He has lost a subiect by you; yet referres Himselfe to us about you.

Thurston the malice of my will wishd dead: My instigation and severe comaund Compeld him to atcheiv't, and you will graunt Noe princes lawes retaine more active force To ingage a subiect to performe their hests Then natures does astring a dewtious child To obey his parent.

How fitt the subiect is to invite your pittie!

And am I subiect That have stood the brunt of all their busines, And when they slept watcht to secure their slombers, Subiect to slights, to scornes, to taynts, to tortures? To feed one privat mallice am I betrayd?

And am I subiect That have stood the brunt of all their busines, And when they slept watcht to secure their slombers, Subiect to slights, to scornes, to taynts, to tortures? To feed one privat mallice am I betrayd?

And when the men of the countrey knew that I was returned out of the valley aliue, they reuerenced me much, saying that I was baptised and holy, and that the foresayd bodies were men subiect vnto the deuils infernall, who vsed to play vpon citherns, to the end they might allure people to enter, and so murther them.

This Citie hath one defect, for it is subiect to an euill ayre, which onely proceedeth of that hollownesse vnderneath, out of the which issueth infinite moisture: and that this is true the ayre without doth evidently testifie, which is more subtile and holesome then that beneath.

The citie of Satagan is a reasonable faire citie for a citie of the Moores, abounding with all things, and was gouerned by the king of Patane, and now is subiect to the great Mogol.

This King of Rachim hath his seate in the middle coast betweene Bengala and Pegu, and the greatest enemie he hath is the king of Pegu: which king of Pegu deuiseth night and day how to make this king of Rachim his subiect, but by no meanes hee is able to doe it: because the king of Pegu hath no power nor armie by Sea.

As for example: If there were 4 horses laden in one ship, all which were to pay custome to the king, and one other of the king of Cochins which were not to pay any custome, the same causeth all the marchandize of that ship to be subiect to pay custome, per aduise.

But if they come from Ormuz to Goa with horses, they are not subiect to pay any custome inward, notwithstanding if they send all or any part thereof for any other place, or returne it to Ormuz, they pay the custome outward, although they could not sell.

And Lambarde, in his Customes of Kent (Perambulation, 410, 1596, page 538), thus notices it:"The custom of Grauelkynde is generall, and spreadeth itselfe throughout the whole shyre, into all landes subiect by auncient tenure vnto the same, such places onely excepted, where it is altered by acte of parleament.

Nay then, Doctor, since you cannot make any reasonable Connexion of these two contrarieties the minde, and the body, making both subiect to passion, wherein you confound the substances of both, I must tell you there is no disease of the minde but one, and that is Ignorance.

Which plainely appeares in that the soules of men haue beeing and continuance as well forth of the bodies of men as in the same; and are as wel subiect to torments as the bodie is.

and those that be subiect vnder your dominion, to their great ioy and benefit shal haue the same, which consisteth in the transporting outward of such things whereof we haue plenty, and in bringing in such things as we stand in need of.

40 examples of  subiect  in sentences