363 examples of subjoining in sentences

His mind was so full of that kind of information, and it was so well arranged in his memory, that in performing what he had undertaken in this way, he had little more to do than to put his thoughts upon paper, exhibiting first each Poet's life, and then subjoining a critical examination of his genius and works.

I subjoin a copy of my first brief for the prosecution.


We subjoin, for comparison, the opening lines of the -Medea- in the original of Euripides and in the version of Ennius: Eith' ophel' 'Apgous me diaptasthai skaphos Kolchon es aian kuaneas sumplegadas Med' en napaisi Pelion pesein pote Tmetheisa peuke, med' epetmosai cheras Andron arioton, oi to pagchruson deros Pelia metelthon ou gar an despoin Medeia purgous ges epleus Iolkias 'Eroti thumon ekplageis' 'Iasonos.

It is with an Eye to my following Correspondent, Mr. Timothy Doodle, who seems a very well-meaning Man, that I have written this short Preface, to which I shall subjoin a Letter from the said Mr. Doodle.

I shall subjoin as a Corollary to the foregoing Remark, an admirable Observation out of Aristotle, which hath been very much misrepresented in the Quotations of some Modern Criticks.

A more clear idea, however, of our scheme will be conveyed by subjoining a few specimens taken at random from our first number, which will contain about seventy-five articles.

To what is there advanced we here subjoin a few brief considerations.

We conclude this chapter by subjoining two highly interesting documents from special magistrates.

We conclude this chapter by subjoining two highly interesting documents from special magistrates.

We subjoin a specimen of the reasoning of the minority of the planters.

That I am not alone in placing confidence in him, I subjoin a testimonial from Dr. Richard Eells, Deacon of the Congregational Church, of Quincy, and Rev. Mr. Fisher, Baptist Minister of Quincy.

In proof of this we subjoin the following testimony: Rev. Dr. CHANNING of Boston, who once resided in Virginia, relates the following fact in his work on slavery, page 163, 1st edition.

We will, however, subjoin a few testimonies of slaveholders, and others who have resided in slave states, expressly asserting that slaves are treated worse than brutes.

We subjoin a few illustrations, and first, the memorable declaration of President Jefferson, who lived and died a slaveholder.

Though the truth of this assertion can hardly be called in question, we subjoin a few illustrations, and could easily give hundreds.

" We subjoin a few miscellaneous facts illustrating the INHUMANITY of slaveholding 'public opinion.'

Some few details on this subject we subjoin,tempted to do so by the common errors prevailing in relation to it.

The least parts of written language are letters; of spoken language, syllables; of language significant in each part, words; of language combining thought, phrases; of language subjoining sense, clauses; of language coördinating sense, members; of language completing sense, sentences.

[207] Sanborn, with strange ignorance of the history of those words, teaches thus: "Mine and thine appear to have been formed from my and thy by changing y into i and adding n, and then subjoining e to retain the long sound of the vowel.

His notion of subjoining a noun to every pronoun, is a fit counterpart to that of some other grammarians, who imagine an ellipsis of a pronoun after almost every noun.

I have been much distressed within the last few days on account of my friend Madame de B. I subjoining a translation of a letter I have just received from her, as it will convey to you hereafter a tolerable specimen of French liberty.

I have been much distressed within the last few days on account of my friend Madame de B. I subjoining a translation of a letter I have just received from her, as it will convey to you hereafter a tolerable specimen of French liberty.

That the reader may understand to what extent I mean to be understood to recommend this, I will subjoin a form, such as in spirit I suppose such a prayer ought to be.

For some of the reasons which have brought me to this conclusion I refer to my previous messages to Congress, and briefly subjoin the following: 1.

363 examples of  subjoining  in sentences