27 examples of suc in sentences

The Episcopal bell slowly said, 'Apos-tol-ic suc-cess-ion!

apos-tol-ic suc-cess-ion!'

In chapter 14, the word "Iris", which appears in our print copy, seems to be a misprint for "Isis" and was corrected as suc

Conduit water is nector to it, Suc.

Iron and Steele is most convenient for Souldiers; but, since you say it, Nephew, he shall have it: how much must it be? Suc.

Gentlemen, the rarest scene of mirth towards! Suc.

Suc. 'Tis well don, cherish valour.

Captaine, here tis well keepe of push of pike yet peirce like shott of Cannon: a Cup of this upon an onslaught, Captain? Suc. Is beveredge for a Generall: I doe use to drinke it when I am engagd against a squadron or a whole company.

Quick, quick; make some plasters and clapp em on his face: here, bind this napkin about his hand; who has a garter, lets see, to bind it up? Suc.

Suc. 'Twas well donn: have you ere a good song? Tim.

Now on my life this boy does sing as like the boy at the Whitefryers as ever I heard: how say you Captain? Suc.

Dee heare, Captaine? Suc.

How, sir, how? Suc.

Is it a badge of your profession To be uncivell? Suc.

[Exeunt Suc. and Crac.

I did endevor fort, did I not, Captaine? Suc.

[Offers att the Record. Suc. Death, Sir!

[Suc. Death, must he have her then?]

I, what of that? Suc.

His foot-steps grew quick-er the far-ther he left his home be-hind; for be-fore him lay the land of pro-mise, and his lit-tle brain was full of dreams of suc-cess, and the con-se-quent joy that would be at his heart when he re-trod those ve-ry fields on his re-turn, la-den with rich-es to throw in-to his mo-ther's lap.

Come on, then, and fear not; the road to suc-cess is o-pen to you, as it al-ways is to in-dus-tr-ious re-so-lu-tion.

He felt so re-as-su-red by this ex-tra-or-di-na-ry ad-ven-ture, which pro-mi-sed so well for his fu-ture suc-cess, that he leap-ed and dan-ced a-long his path with ex-cite-ment and de-light: he look-ed for-ward to no ob-sta-cle to stop him in his ca-reer, and he pur-su-ed his way re-joic-ing.

4. Correct Burhans, in the division of the following words: "Boar-der, brigh-ten, cei-ling, frigh-ten, glea-ner, lea-kage, suc-ker, mos-sy, fros-ty, twop-ence, pu-pill-ar-y, crit-i-call-y, gen-er-all-y, lit-er-all-y, log-i-call-y, trag-i-call-y, ar-ti-fici-al, po-liti-call-y, sloth-full-y, spite-full-y, re-all-y, sui-ta-ble, ta-mea-ble, flumm-er-y, nesc-i-ence, shep-her-dess, trav-ell-er, re-pea-ter, re-pressi-on, suc-cessi-on, un-lear-ned.

4. Correct Burhans, in the division of the following words: "Boar-der, brigh-ten, cei-ling, frigh-ten, glea-ner, lea-kage, suc-ker, mos-sy, fros-ty, twop-ence, pu-pill-ar-y, crit-i-call-y, gen-er-all-y, lit-er-all-y, log-i-call-y, trag-i-call-y, ar-ti-fici-al, po-liti-call-y, sloth-full-y, spite-full-y, re-all-y, sui-ta-ble, ta-mea-ble, flumm-er-y, nesc-i-ence, shep-her-dess, trav-ell-er, re-pea-ter, re-pressi-on, suc-cessi-on, un-lear-ned.

It is not to condemn that you want; you want to suc-ceed.

27 examples of  suc  in sentences