112 examples of suction in sentences

For a regler 40 hoss power suction, K. VANDERBILT is your man.

For, they realized, the suction would be so strong when the vessels took their final plunge, that all those anywhere near in the water would be drawn under.

We'll have to hurry or we shall be pulled under by the suction when the ships sink.

Leather hose was introduced into Amsterdam in 1670, by two Dutchmen, and they also invented the suction pipe at about the same period.

It was a strong cistern of oak placed upon wheels, furnished with a pump, an air chamber and a suction pipe of strong leather, through which run a spiral piece of metal.

If, feeling thirsty, you should go to take a little suction, I’ll swear they’ll not be long before they’ll force an introduction.

At times, as I watched, I saw the heaving of the indented mound, gap across with a queer, inward suction, as with the drawing of an enormous breath; then the thing would dilate and pout once more to the incredible melody.

There is, however, generally a cock on the suction side of the feed pump, which regulates the quantity of water drawn into the pump.

A.The pump now universally preferred is the plunger pump, which admits of being packed or tightened while the engine is at work; but the lowest lift of a mine is generally supplied with a pump on the suction principle, both with the view of enabling the lowest pipe to follow the water with facility as the shaft is sunk deeper, and to obviate the inconvenience of the valves of the pump being rendered inaccessible by any flooding in the mine.

The pipe leading to the pump is a suction pipe when the plunger ascends, and a forcing pipe when the plunger descends.

Then there is Griffith's screw, which has a large ball at its centre, which, by the suction it creates at its hinder part, in passing through the water, produces a converging force, which partly counteracts the divergent action of the arms.

In the figures, a is the Steam Cylinderb, the Steam Chestd, a handle for regulating the steam valvef, the starting bar g, g, tappets attached to the valve rod, which is moved by the contact of the arm e, on the piston rod with said tappetsh, the double-acting water plunger working through a packing ringo, o, force valveso', o', suction valves.

The pumps are placed on the engines as near the ground as they can be with safety, and are arranged so as to attach the suction and leading hose to either or both sides of the machine, as may be most convenient or desirable, so that less difficulty will be found in placing an engine for work, and when required to draw its own water, it has only to draw it the shortest possible distance.

Air vessels applied to suction side of pumps.

The violence of inertiathe suction of the stagnant bogis almost invincible.

The luxurious leisure in which she consumed her potation made it last a long time, and it was not until her suction made only a sterile rattling in the straw that she looked up at her aunt to thank her.

She was drawn towards the High School by the suction of the customary.

Her love must bring her something of what he felt himselfthe huge attraction, the suction and the pull of all the trees.

Vitality passed from her, drawn out and away as by some steady suction.

The ordinary pump, commonly called the suction-pump, is constructed on this principle.

There is an independent centrifugal pumping engine arranged to take its suction from any compartment of the boat.

His first experiments were conducted by vital suction, that is, by tapping the living tree, and allowing the ascending sap to carry up a preserving solution.

They date back to 1870 (experiment No. 2), when Mr. Thilmany was working and recommending the methods of vital suction and of the Boucherie hydraulic pressure system.

To the cap fastened to the end of a freshly cut log he applies a suction pump, and placing the other end into a vat, filled with the desired solution, he sucks up the preserving fluid through the pores or sap cells of the wood.

I thought at first it must be the suction of the air, but Glenarm House was no place for conjectures, and I put the lantern aside and jumped down into the tunnel.

112 examples of  suction  in sentences