64 examples of suffix in sentences

rider, offshoot, episode, side issue, corollary; piece [Fr.]; flap, lappet, skirt, embroidery, trappings, cortege; tail, suffix &c (sequel) 65; wing.

place after, suffix, append.

Sequel N. sequel, suffix, successor; tail, queue, train, wake, trail, rear; retinue, suite; appendix, postscript; epilogue; peroration; codicil; continuation, sequela^; appendage; tail piece [Fr.], heelpiece^; tag, more last words; colophon. aftercome^, aftergrowth^, afterpart^, afterpiece^, aftercourse^, afterthought, aftergame^;

From the following words make new words by means of the suffix -ous: joy, grace, grief, glory, desire, virtue, beauty, courage, disaster, harmony.

In archangel, architect, and in one or two other words, the ch = k. ARCH, as a suffix, is pronounced [:a]rk, and means ruler; as monarch, a sole ruler; one who rules alone.

ward is here a suffix meaning course, direction to, motion towards.

Add this SUFFIX to the end of each of the following words, and tell the meaning of each new word formed: up, sea, back, down, east, west, land, earth.

en is here a suffix meaning made of.

What does the suffix less mean?

" Langag, "look;" -ka (suffix, second person nominative), "you;" pudung, "shut;" -nu (pronominal suffix), "your;" yan (demonstrative pronoun), "that," "those;" mata, "eyes.

" Langag, "look;" -ka (suffix, second person nominative), "you;" pudung, "shut;" -nu (pronominal suffix), "your;" yan (demonstrative pronoun), "that," "those;" mata, "eyes.

" Luit (transitive verb and noun), "peel," "shell;" -ko (suffix, first person pronominal).

Another mode, delicate and refined in its character, is to suffix the inflection for perfect past tense, bun, to a man's name.

He sets about it with an array of prefix and suffix, and polysyllabic strength, as if he were about to crush a cob-house with a crowbar. 2d.

In ke-bau-diz-ze, which is an equivalent for raca, there is a personal pronominal prefix, and an objective pronominal suffix.

I observe that the Cree, although essentially the same language as the Chippewa, yet drops, or never had, many of the suffix expletive particles of the latter, though the prefix particles are pretty much the same in both.

The Delaware, the Chippewa (under whatever name), and the Cree, &c., make the change in person, number, &c., by a change in the prefix or suffix.

Forest as a topographical suffix denotes a wild uncultivated tract of hilly or common land, more often than not quite bare of trees.

That, by the way, is a Celtic suffix; it would be interesting to know if the word has continued in constant use since British times.

But whatever may be its true derivation, no one can well deny that able, as a suffix, belongs most properly, if not exclusively, to verbs; for most of the words formed by it, are plainly a sort of verbal adjectives.

18.As to the application of this suffix to nouns, when we consider the signification of the words thus formed, its propriety may well be doubted.

For some of them are formed according to the model of the Latin verbals in ibilis; as forcible, coercible, reducible, discernible; and others are made by simply adding the suffix able; as traceable, pronounceable, manageable, advisable, returnable.

21.It is a common but erroneous opinion of our grammarians, that the unsyllabic suffix st, wherever found, is a modern contraction of the syllable est.

Suffix signifying place.

Though no comprehensive rule can be given for the form of adverbs, which must be learned for the most part by observation, it may be helpful to know that most "adjectives of quality," like gentle, true, take the suffix "-ly" to make a corresponding adverb; and that the comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs ending in "-ly" usually prefix more and most.

64 examples of  suffix  in sentences