371 examples of sultry in sentences

The air was sultry.

And there they laboured through the murky day, Whose air was livid mist, their only breath; Foul floating dust of swift revolving wheels And feathery spoil of fast contorted threads Making a sultry chaos in the sun.

Thy navy rides on seas before unpress'd, And strikes a terror through the haughty East; Algiers and Tunis from their sultry shore With horror hear the British engines roar; 100 Fain from the neighbouring dangers would they run, And wish themselves still nearer to the sun.

Big with the fate of Europe, he renews His dreadful course, and the proud foe pursues: Infected by the burning Scorpion's heat, The sultry gales round his chafed temples beat, Till on the borders of the Maine he finds Defensive shadows and refreshing winds.

To the last bounds that nature sets, 100 The piercing colds and sultry heats, The godlike race shall spread their arms; Now fill the polar circle with alarms, Till storms and tempests their pursuits confine; Now sweat for conquest underneath the line.

Uplifted to the heavens her blasted head, And clapped her hands upon her brows, and said; (But first, impatient of the sultry heat, Sunk deeper down, and sought a cooler seat:) 'If you, great king of gods, my death approve,

The sun is high advanced, and downward sheds His burning beams directly on our heads; Then by consent abstain from further spoils, Call off the dogs, and gather up the toils; 10 And ere to-morrow's sun begins his race, Take the cool morning to renew the chase.' They all consent, and in a cheerful train The jolly huntsmen, loaden with the slain, Return in triumph from the sultry plain.

2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile vales and dewy meads

As Doris, at her toilet's duty, Sat meditating on her beauty, She now was pensive, now was gay, And lolled the sultry hours away.

It is now always sultry before sunrise, and the dullness of pacing up and down my garden at that hour is intolerable.

And as man, when this fever of enterprise is upon him, must for ever be seeking to add to his cares, we persuaded Don Sanchez to let us have two she-goats to stall in the shed and consume our waste herbage, that we might have milk and get butter, which they do in these parts by shaking the cream in a skin bag (a method that seems simple enough till you have been shaking the bag for twenty minutes in vain on a sultry morning) without cost.

He seems as one whose footsteps halt, Toiling in immeasurable sand, And o'er a weary sultry land, Far beneath a blazing vault, Sown in a wrinkle of the monstrous hill The city sparkles like a grain of salt.

Through the heat of the day we rested as well as we might, but the air was motionless and sultry and the camels ill at ease.

The morning was close and sultry, not a cloud in the sky, and not a breath of wind stirring; and I confess I felt sick with a suffocating sense of horror when I reflected on the terrible sight I was about to witness.

The night, as usual, was close and sultry, with a slight hot wind blowing; but the men stepped out briskly, the soldiers of the leading company presently striking up a well-known song, the chorus of which was joined in by the men in the rear.

Fainting I stand; Still is the sultry air, Silentness everywhere Through the hot land.

The misery there, accompanied by a horrible odour, was as if all the hospitals in the sultry marshes of Valdichiana had brought their maladies together into one infernal ditch.

The morning was intensely hot and sultry, and but for the protection of an umbrella, we should have suffered greatly.

It was a sultry summer day; all the study-doors were open, and all their occupants were absent in the cricket-field, or bathing.

On the second day they crossed several running streams, with extensive grassy patches, and came to a halt during the sultry part of the day on the banks of a river or chain of pools.

The next day, the first of my visit, was a very sultry one, and the rest of the party thought it was, no doubt, a very dull one.

As I looked at it pensively I pictured the tired boy holdin' the onhandy handles of the plow and trudgin' along behind his team through the long sultry days, and thought to myself, what hopes and dreams and ambitions wuz turned over by that old plow as well as green-sward.

XVII Pale rose leaves have fallen In the fountain water; And soft reedy flute-notes Pierce the sultry quiet.

Possessed by this fixed idea, I paced the sultry streets day after day throughout the burning months of June and July; lingered at dusk and early morning about the gardens of the Luxembourg, and such other quiet places as she might frequent; and, heedless alike of fatigue, or heat, or tempest, traversed the dusty city over and over again from barrier to barrier, in every direction.

Anne Woodford sat, on a sultry summer night, by the open window in Archfield House at Fareham, busily engaged over the tail of a kite, while asleep in a cradle in the corner of the room lay a little boy, his apple-blossom cheeks and long flaxen curls lying prone upon his pillow as he had tossed when falling asleep in the heat.

371 examples of  sultry  in sentences