5094 examples of summoning in sentences

He began to feel something of the burden that a feudal chief must have borne at the summoning of the clans.

They assembled in the market-place in tumultuous crowds, and summoning the treacherous or imprudent envoy before them, they tried him by a clamorous and summary process, and, before the sentence was completed, tore him limb from limb.

All winter long, Captain Small of the Despair remained in the York River; but at early spring he came to the James River and, summoning both Robert and Rebecca aboard his vessel, informed them that his dead master had, by a will, left them a vast fortune in money, jewels and lands, in both America and England.

Sitting there by the sunny window with a pair of magnificent white Persian cats purring on either knee, he read and reread the letter summoning him on the morrow to Seabright.

From farm houses came the barking of dogs and the not unmusical notes of conch or tin horns, summoning the "men folks" to the evening meal.

For a moment she seemed as though she were summoning all her courage to tell the lie which he half expected.

Half afraid of summoning an invisible spirit, she softly touched the keys to "The Light of other Days."

The subject of the play is the summoning of every man by Death; and the moral is that nothing can take away the terror of the inevitable summons but an honest life and the comforts of religion.

But he was no match for the Austrian emperor, who, summoning from every quarter the allies and adherents of imperial power, and making peace with other enemies, poured into Bohemia such overwhelming forces under Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria, that his authority was established more firmly than before.

Sept.] him with tears, and, summoning their companions to horseback, rode away, they scarcely knew whither but with the cheering hope that they should draw the attention of the enemy from the retreat of the king to the pursuit of themselves.

But summoning up all her resolution, she returned Judith's glance with one as stern and steady, if not so malignant as her own.

Summoning one of her attendant maidens, she sent her to Bertram, bearing a helmet of steel with crest of gold.

When a fox was marked to ground the church bell was rung as a signal, summoning every man who owned a pickaxe, a gun, or a terrier dog, to lend a hand in destroying him.

Having greeted this person with an unconscious but quite perceptible diminution of the warmth with which he had welcomed the other, the major looked around the room for seats for his visitors, and perceiving only one chair, piled with exchanges, and a broken stool propped against the wall, pushed a button, which rang a bell in the hall, summoning the colored porter to his presence.

You seem astonished at my thinking of summoning him to Clawbonny.

They knew that he would upbraid them for not summoning him to do his share, but there would be abundant chance for him to serve later on as a sentinel.

Now, the summoning church-bell tolls its solemn note; school children, with merry laugh and light step, cross the common; the village is astir, and a human tide is setting towards its sacred portals: all, all speaks to the heart and to the imagination of happy days and happy scenes in a far-off land.

A number of eminent men were in Court, subpoenaed to prove their own works, and I find on them the following note, written by myself at the time: "We necessarily put some of our medical and publishing witnesses to great inconvenience in summoning them into court, but

Earing recoiled a step, with a submissive manner, and affected to be lost in consulting the driving masses of the clouds; then, summoning his resolution, he attempted to renew the attack in a different quarter.

It was three weeks and more after Governor Marston's call summoning the Assembly for an investigative session.

As may naturally be anticipated, the advice likely to prove the most flattering to his wishes was offered on all sides, and a thousand expedients were suggested and discussed only to be found unfeasible, until the King, in despair, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, resolved upon summoning his ministers.

The third volume closes by his summoning the faithful and unupbraiding Martin back to his heart: Love lives in Sun-Shine, or that Storm, Despair, But gentler Friendship Breathes a Mod'rate Air.

The idealists among them, when they were forced to realise that such a homogeneity of the whites did not yet exist, persuaded themselves that it would come peacefully and inevitably as a result of the reading of imperial poems and the summoning of an imperial council.

SEE The Summoning of everyman.

THE SUMMONING OF EVERYMAN; an adapted version from the old Morality play, by John F. Baird.

5094 examples of  summoning  in sentences