52 examples of sunstrokes in sentences

He himself was struck down by sunstroke and fever; but, owing probably to his temperate and careful habits, he soon recovered.

For after advancing into Oude Havelock found that constant fighting, cholera, sunstroke and illness had so reduced his numbers that to go on would risk the extermination of his force.

frost-bite or mortification produced by low vitality and chills, 13, or one in 12,000, had sunstroke, 257 had the itch, and 68 per cent.

When she gets a sunstroke it's purty hot.

A sunstroke may be a very serious business.

It'll take more 'an a sunstroke to polish off Alviry.

Parker, and a sunstroke ain't going to change her none.

"Thank you very much," he said, "and I sincerely hope that the sunstroke will not have terminated fatally by the time you reach home.

It is a small, strong, hard-looking building; seems as if it would stand any amount of rain and never get wet through, any quantity of heat and never have a sunstroke; it is stoical, cold, firm, and very stony; has a bodkin-pointed spire, ornamented with round holes and circular places into which penetration has not yet been effected; and its "tout ensemble" is in no way edifying.

But Betts Bey observed, that to go there during the day, at this season of the year, was a service of considerable danger, the risk of sunstroke being more than usually great.

Prominent among the therapeutic advances of the century is the direct reduction of the high temperature of sunstroke and certain fevers by the use of cold.

For the perpendicular rays of the sun in the Tropics are not so much dreaded as the horizontal ones, which strike on the forehead, or, still more dangerous, on the back of the head; and in the West Indies, as in the United States, the early morning and the latter part of the afternoon are the times for sunstrokes.

He then moved to Cotton Gin Port to take charge of a store, but was invalided for three years by a sunstroke.

On the contrary, they invite sunstroke, and various other unpleasant visitors incident to the life of a traveller.

"That'll do nicely," he remarked, and turning round, "Why, you'll get a sunstroke; do take my hat.

Would you wish me to get a sunstroke to oblige you?"

He must have had sunstroke too."

Sakuntala's royal lover wastes away so rapidly that in a few days his bracelet falls from his attenuated arm, and Sakuntala herself becomes so weak that she cannot rise, and is supposed to have sunstroke!

In cases of sunstroke, place the person attacked in a cool, airy place.

This treatment is used to reduce the heat of the body, for in all cases of sunstroke the temperature of the body is greatly increased.

He is safe from the teeth of wild animals, from frost, sunstroke, and weather; and fine faculties begin to yield their fine harvest.

"The on'y thing I can see," says the boy, one day, "is for Bill to 'ave a touch of sunstroke as 'e's leaving the wheel one day, tumble 'ead-first down the companion-way, and injure 'isself so severely that 'e can't be moved.

The second day was almost a replica of the first, varied only by KITTY'S husband fancying he had a sunstroke.

I merely suggested that sunstroke would most likely be your portion if you went now, and that it would be quite as easy, and a great deal pleasanter, to go three hours later.

In fine weather N. walks in goloshes, and carries an umbrella, so as not to die of sunstroke; he is afraid to wash in cold water, and complains of palpitations of the heart.

52 examples of  sunstrokes  in sentences