2113 examples of superiority in sentences

And here came her superiority.

There was a certain superiority about him after all.

Ay, he was not unwilling to walk across the hills to other parts; here, at home, he was constantly forced to keep down his own superiority.

Specialization by the men and groups of men will determine the question of superiority of advance in science, industry, commerce, general wealth and welfare, as well as military strength in the time of war.

Notwithstanding the bull-dog projection of this formidable giant's lower jaw, there sometimes beamed on his face that good-natured expression often observable in men whose unusual muscular development places them on a footing of physical superiority to those with whom they shoulder along the road of life.

They were representatives, indeed, of the aristocracy of their nation; and here, where the aim of all institutions is to make the whole nation an aristocracy, we must plan to secure the same splendid physical superiority on a grander scale.

She would have so decided a naval superiority, that the Austrian flag would disappear from the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, and she would be able to operate powerfully from the sea against Venice.

The subservience on the question of Slavery, which has hitherto characterized both the great parties of the country, has strengthened the hands of the extremists at the South, and has enabled them to get the control of public opinion there by fostering false notions of Southern superiority and Northern want of principle.

A victory in such a contest was by no means necessary to vindicate the hero's superiority; and if he so far forgot himself as to engage at all in the degrading warfare, a defeat would have been more creditable.

Superiority of the Moral Sentiments. Horace Mann, 1796-1857 158.

" =6.= CONVICTION OF THEIR SUPERIORITY The Five Nations think themselves by nature superior to the rest of mankind....

The argument from the moral nature of man is made still more impressive by the superiority of its design and object.

They have revolutionised the estimate of their economic importance, and it is scarcely too much to say that when, in the long run, the military strength of the Allies bears down the strength of Germany, it will be this superiority of our women which enables us to pit a woman atthe censorship will object to exact geography upon this pointagainst a man at Essen which has tipped the balance of this war.

From dreams of aloofness and ineffable superiority, America comes round very rapidly to a conception of an active participation in the difficult business of statecraft.

So long as the Germans cling to the tawdry tradition of the Empire, so long as they profess militarism, so long as they keep up their ridiculous belief in some strange racial superiority to the rest of mankind, it is absurd to expect any co-operative feeling between them and any other great people.

The British reader can see its absurdity most easily when he reads the ravings of some patriotic German upon the superiority of the "Teuton" over the Italians and Greeksto whom we owe most things of importance in European civilisation.

They do all that a well-bred people can do to conceal their habit and persuasion of a racial superiority.

The colonial policy of France pursues primarily the object of acquiring a material, and, if possible, military superiority over Germany.

The comparative weakness of the German fleet, contrasted with the vast superiority of the English navy, allows a correspondingly easy victory to be anticipated, especially if the French fleet co-operates.

When all considerations are taken into account, our opponents have a political superiority not to be underestimated.

It must give the probable allies that effective addition of strength which may insure a superiority over the antagonist.

Even the superiority of the enemy cannot absolve from the performance of this requirement.

cted a social superiority over her less fortunate neighbors, in consequence.

There have been, no doubt, a great many writers of biography who had no objection to compensate their feelings for bygone slights or discourtesies, suffered from some wayward or inattentive superiority, some stroke of ridicule or malice.

It is very probable poor Edgar Poe has had his faults exaggerated by those who suffered from the critical superiority of his intellect; since some of those notices of him which tend most to fix his character as a reprobate, and appear in a laggard way in the English periodicals, were probably written by some of his own countrymen.

2113 examples of  superiority  in sentences