66 examples of supper-time in sentences

He threw down a pile of firewood, which he had been gathering against supper-time, before the mouth of the cave, which occasioned the crash they heard.

It was nearly supper-time when she heard the men returning.

It was supper-time on one of the last days of the round-up.

" When Jupiter had done all his business we repaired to the feast, for it was now supper-time, and Mercury bade me sit down by Pan, the Corybantes, Attis, and Sabazius, a kind of demi-gods who are admitted as visitors there.

Supper-time in the American road-house is an hour severely observed, and you disregard it at the peril of your empty stomach, for no larders seem so hermetically sealed as the larders of American country hotels after the appointed hour, and no favour so impossible to grant as even a ham sandwich, if you should be so much a stranger to local ordinances as to expect it after the striking of the hour.

Not to know that supper-time at Sheldon Center was half-past six seemed to argue a sinister disregard of the usages of civilization.

The good woman of the house noticed that Billy was unusually silent at supper-time, and thought at first that some disaster must have happened.

And then you must needs bring her in here, of all things,when you know I hate to see people near my meal-times, and you must have known it was near supper-time.

I shall wait until supper-time.

Yes, my dear; it's supper-time.

" The business was speedily arranged, and by supper-time Ben found that he had nothing further to detain him in Centerville.

Well come sweet Lords, and Ladies, let us spend The time till supper-time with some such sights, As my poore house is furnished withall, Pictures, and jewels; of which implements, It may be I have some will please you much.

It was dark and almost supper-time and we had committed the heinous crime of not appearing for tea, so, when we were told to go at once to see our grandmother, and stumbled just as we were, tired and dusty, hair on end and stockings at our ankles into the quiet room where she sat knitting fleecy white things by the table with the lamp, we expected nothing better than to be sent straight to bed, probably supperless.

" "Well," said the doctor, smiling, "I am hungry, and my own supper-time is passed.

Then he got up and went into the library, and I never saw him again all day except at dinner-time and supper-time, and then he didn't talk to me.

The extra hands came on in the forenoon at eleven o'clock and worked till ten in the evening, with supper-time off.

When he saw Miss Harris at supper-time and undertook to explain his black eyes she assured him coldly that he and his ebony gig-lamps mattered nothing in her young life, as evidence of which she flashed a magnificent three-quarter carat diamond solitaire on her third finger.

The baker wanted some fresh air, and, as this was supper-time for the whole village, he locked up his shop and went out for a walk.

The next day, at supper-time, he went out for a walk.

It's an ironing-board on wash-days, a supper table at supper-time, and on the cook's reception days it can be turned into a settee.

And as soon as these sixty varlets had taken him home to his hotel, each went to dinner at his own house; and the moment dinner was over they returned and stood before his hotel, and waited in the street until that he was minded to go and play and take his pastime in the city, and so they attended him till supper-time.

At supper-time us had hoecake an' cold vi'tals.

They had dined at the fashionable hour of two, and were to stay till supper-time, the elders playing at Ombre, the juniors dancing.

She came regularly at supper-time thereafter to superintend Dinah's arrangements, to give Mrs. Clayton her night-draught, which did not assuage her direful vigilance one particle, but rather seemed to infuse new powers of wakefulness in those ever-watchful eyes, until sunrise, when, protected by the knowledge that others besides herself were on the watch, she permitted sleep to take possession of her senses.

But a moment later it was supper-time; and the night ended in the oval dining-room, amid laughter and champagne, the ejaculations of La Mettrie, the epigrams of Maupertuis, the sarcasms of Frederick, and the devastating coruscations of Voltaire.

66 examples of  supper-time  in sentences