192 examples of supplicated in sentences

" "O good youth," supplicated the now terrified and humbled old man, "bereave me not of the source of all my power.

In the fervor of his spirit he supplicated from heaven a continuance of its grace, and that this glorious triumph might be perpetuated.

I humbly trust this quietude of mind is in answer to prayer; for I have long supplicated for a renewal of faith, and that a little spiritual strength might he given me to rise above the slavish fear of man.

My M.Y. supplicated for us, and the gospel-word flowed freely: the meeting closed with thanksgiving by me.

A chapter, the second of the Acts, was read; after which I supplicated, and my M.Y. spoke in testimony, as well as myself.

My M.Y. spoke a few words in German, and I supplicated in the same language.

John Yeardley and "Brother" Kölne addressed the meeting, and the former supplicated at the conclusion.

Before parting he read a few verses, exhorted us and supplicated for us.

We read, too, that the gods were supplicated in fervent prayer.

Joan of Arc believed in God,that He could do what He pleased, that He was a power to be supplicated; and she prayed to Him to save France, since princes could not save the land, divided by their rivalries and jealousies and ambitions.

The inhabitants were anew seized with terror, and surrendering at discretion, threw themselves at the king's feet, and supplicated his clemency and forgiveness.

In the year 1629 Ben fell sick, and was then poor, and lodged in an obscure alley; his Majesty was supplicated in his favour, who sent him ten guineas.

He supplicated the General for relief.

Mr. Kasson addressed Kossuth in an ample speech; in which he said: Everywhere have the untrammelled masses of this people, as you passed, lifted up their hands and voices, and supplicated the Almighty to give to you blessing, and to your country redemption.

If Antiochus, for whose coming Philip vainly supplicated the gods, should unite with him in the next campaign, he might anticipate great successes.

Both our gentlemen now sunk into a reverie, from which they were awakened, at the entrance of the park, by a young man in rags, who, with a piteous tone, supplicated charity.

While there was a chance of success, I never left my post, nor supplicated peace.

And now they all, with on voice, supplicated for a suspension of arms.

Twice have we supplicated in vain at Paris.

" He read then from the book of Psalms, and said a few words on resignation to the will of God, and in his humble prayer supplicated God to remember the chevalier and his family, and to bless him in the house whither he had been brought in his mercy.

Your doctrine is, that in those cases, where the object of the petition is such, as the supplicated party can approve, previously to any discussion of its meritsthere, and there only, exists the right of petition.

Your doctrine is, that in those cases, where the object of the petition is such, as the supplicated party can approve, previously to any discussion of its meritsthere, and there only, exists the right of petition.

The nobles supplicated for him lustily: they looked on crimes of nobles resulting in deaths of plebeians as lightly as the English House of Lords afterward looked on Lord Mohun's murder of Will Mountfort, or as another body of lords looked on Matt Ward's murder of Professor Butler: but Montmorency was executed.

These and other ceremonies she repeated for four nights or mornings in succession, four times each morning, and each time she supplicated the Dawn of the Day.

She supplicated both, asking for long life, health, wealth, and happiness.

192 examples of  supplicated  in sentences