41 examples of surcease in sentences

It was in the maudlin fancies of some poor besotted literary hack maybe, that she found surcease from the pains of weariness, the carks and cares of her miserable estate.

Her face was an unrelieved sadness; she had fulfilled the prescribed rites, in the appointed place, but there was no surcease from the endless round of dull misery which she knew was her ordained lot.

They get up early in the morning, are on the go all day without surcease or fatigue, go to bed late, and often suffer from insomnia.

"Furies must aid, when men surcease to know Their gods: and hell sends forth revenging pain On those whom shame from sin cannot restrain.

But I crave surcease, while it may be mine, from the immediately troubling waters of Potts.

The roaring dam of watery fountains the "dam of fountains" Thy beck doth make surcease her sounding.

She went to bed presently, hoping only to find surcease of boredom; and her head no sooner touched the pillow than oblivion closed down upon her faculties like a dense, dark cloud.

Thou canst not relish out a good division: Therefore at length surcease, prove not stark-mad, Hopeless to prosecute a hapless suit: For though (perchance) thy first strains pleasing are, I dare engage mine ear the close will jar. LIN.

So now for three moneths space all warres surcease: Our thoughts are wholy fixt on love and peace.

I will surcease, and conclude with [6807]Erasmus of such controversies: Pugnet qui volet, ego censeo leges majorum reverenter suscipiendas, et religiose observandas, velut a Deo profectas; nec esse tutum, nec esse pium, de potestate publica sinistram concipere aut serere suspicionem.

It seemed like the good inn after the bleak high-road, the oasis after the sandstorm, shade after glare, the dressing after the wound, sleep after insomnia, surcease from unspeakable torture.

Surcease, Allenso; thats a booteless cost, The Will imports no such iniunction: I will not spend my little Nephewes wealth, In such vaine toyes; they shall have funerall,

Eagerly I wished the morrow;vainly I had sought to borrow, From my books, surcease of sorrow,sorrow for the lost Lenore, For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore, Nameless here for evermore.

And there is no relief, no surcease from utmost conventionality.

The greedy grocer grinds the face of me, The baker trades on my necessity, And from the milkman have I no surcease, But thou art Plunder's perfect masterpiece.

From this fire of his own building it seemed to him that he could obtain surcease only by reducing the self within him.

Surcease at the hairdressers.

Surcease at the hairdressers.

The silence endured too long; she knew it, but could not yet break it, or the spell which cradled her tired heart, or the blessed surcease from the weariness of waiting.

Is this pain's surcease?

The bard appears before the iron-bound portals of the nether world, and the pains of hell surcease.

She looked up surprised at the sudden surcease of storm, and seeing his handsome face becalmed, she wondered at the magic that had caused it, and her heart smote her for withholding aught from one that loved her so.

Surely, had not this expeditionwhich he had hoped would give surcease from ennui and stir the pulseshad it not already yielded dividends?

distinctly I remember, it was drawing nigh September, And each trivial Tory Member pined for stubble, copse, and moor; Eagerly they wished the morrow; vainly they had sought to borrow From their SMITH surcease of sorrow, or from GOSCHEN or BALFOUR, From the lank and languid "miss" the Tory claque dubbed "Brave BALFOUR," Fameless else for evermore.

But it brought no cessation of the harassing wind without, nor surcease of the nervous irritation its perpetual and even activity wrought upon her.

41 examples of  surcease  in sentences