1226 examples of surging in sentences

The thin bark is streaked and sprinkled with resin, as though it had been showered down upon it like rain, so that even the green trees catch fire readily, and during strong winds whole forests are destroyed, the flames leaping from tree to tree, forming one continuous belt of roaring fire that goes surging and racing onward above the bending woods, like the grass-fires of a prairie.

The pines had long been sleeping in sunshine; they were now awake, roaring and waving with the beating storm, and the winds sweeping along the curves of hill and dale, streaming through the woods, surging and gurgling on the tops of rocky ridges, made the wildest of wild storm melody.

" Mrs. Coblenz threw her glance out over the crowded room, surging with a wave of plumes and clipped heads like a swaying bucket of water which crowds but does not lap over its sides.

Then the surging crowd carried him out of her range of vision.

But after each poor sacrifice, despair, Like the returning wave that bore it far, Rushed surging back upon her sickening heart; While evermore she moaned, low-voiced, between Half-muttered and half-moaned: "Ye'll hae me yet; Ye'll ne'er be saired, till ye hae ta'en mysel'.

The tide had turned, and the sea was surging fiercely into the mouth of the cavern.

Just as I was about to embrace her, the lightning fell, the sword of God, upon the surging, stormy forest, and made a wild and terrible radiance around us, and shattered a great tree at our feet.

For him nor moves the loud world's random mock; Nor all Calamity's hugest waves confound, Who seems a promontory of rock, That, compass'd round with turbulent sound, In middle ocean meets the surging shock, Tempest-buffeted, citadel-crown'd.

The wave of mutiny was surging to and fro throughout the land, and as yet little had been done to stem the tide.

The trusting manner in which the dear girl had given her hands into mine conferred upon me a strength which the crusader of old felt surging through his body when his consecrated sword blade was delivered into his hands.

His angels are superhuman, but hardly angelic: and while in Raphael's angels we do not feel the want of wings, we feel while looking at those of Michael Angelo that not even the "sail-broad vans" with which Satan laboured, through the surging abyss of chaos could suffice to lift those Titanic forms from earth, and sustain them in mid-air.

Manning us, indeed, with that fellow surging ahead at the rate he was, would have been quite out of the question.

She watched Myra closely, with growing admiration; saw the changes in her, the faithful struggle, the on-surging power, and she thought:

By the time I had reached the floor they had straightened out his shattered limbs, and two or three doctors were fighting their way through the great crowd that was surging about him.

There was no distinction of dress among that restless, surging, throbbing throng of humanity, drawn thither by the all-absorbing motivethe glittering dust that lay hidden beneath the gravel and sands of the streams and along the ravines.

I shout aloud to the chainless skies; The stream through its falling foam replies, And my voice, like the sound of the surging sea, To the nations thunders: "I am free!" I spoke to Tell

Lather could feel the adrenaline surging through him.

In Paris, for instance, I feel happier not only because the continual mill deafens me,I am swallowed up by the surging masses, and my mind is diverted by tricks of the fencing ring,but also because the people there, without being conscious of it, live as if it were worth their while to put all their energies into this life, and as if beyond there was nothing but a chemical process.

The water from that mouth surging across her row of teeth, discharged itself in his like swift poison.

On Heavenly Ground they stood, and from the Shore They view'd the vast immeasurable Abyss, Outrageous as a Sea, dark, wasteful, wild; Up from the bottom turned by furious Winds And surging Waves, as Mountains to assault Heavens height, and with the Center mix the Pole.

He chided his own weakness inwardly, when he felt the hot tears surging to his eyes at thought of the unworthy use to which his little hoard was about to be put.

The currents and the wind held it in their relentless grip, and bore it steadily forward, surging along the grey surface of the sea.

Winds moan across the surging bosom of the deep.

On Friday evening, and far into the night, Herald Square was filled with a surging throng watching the bulletins from the chamber of death.

It is not in the nature of things that this North American continent should be arbitrarily divided in its most fertile midst by political lines, and by and by it will be impossible to keep the multiplying millions south of the imaginary line from surging across into the rich vacant territory to the north.

1226 examples of  surging  in sentences