34 examples of surlily in sentences

And the bartender, having met the boring glance of the big man for a moment, turned surlily away.

" "Go 'long," said Buckheath, surlily; "I'll fix 'em for you."

"That know I not," quoth the stranger surlily, for he was angry at being so tumbled about.

They trudged off surlily toward the barn.

A dingy looking white man, quite evidently from his appearance an indentured servant, was in charge, He greeted us rather surlily, staring at me with almost open hostility, yet responded swiftly enough to Fairfax's orders.

Tom got the better, and so I cried enough," said Jarvis, surlily.

Surlily the desperado yielded.

The conductor, sensitive as are most New England people, spite of their apparent familiarity of address, to the least rebuff, felt the change in Mercy's tone, and walked away, thinking half surlily, "She needn't put on airs.

Stephen even humiliated himself so far as to offer it to Jane Barker's husband at a lowered rent; but his offer was surlily rejected, and he repented having made it.

"'Then I've lost my way, that's all,' growled the man surlily, 'and p'raps you'll let me get along now.'

He seemed full seven feet long, and eyed him surlily, disinclined to move off; so they parted, and M- went on his way.

Nor does he like the bland patronising manner of 'Roopuarain,' so he surlily draws back, at which there is a roar of laughter from the. crowd, in which we cannot help joining.

" "He wasn't in the habit of discussin' his lady friends with me," growled the ex-valet surlily.

"Why shouldn't Iin the house of an ould acquaintance and particular friendjust the place to feel at home, eh, Stevens?" then folding his arms and tilting back his chair, he asked, coolly: "You haven't a cigar, have ye?" "No," replied Stevens, surlily; "and if I had, you should not have it.

But he glared surlily at me, and said, "Damn my blood!

" The leader looked savagely at the young man; but seeing that his demeanor and that of his followers was resolute, that they carried pistols at their holsters and heavy swords, and deeming that nothing but hard knocks would come of an attack upon them, he surlily bade his company follow him, and rode on his way again.

" "You see Miss Pelham often enough," said Saunders surlily.

"I don't know," he answered surlily.

[Footnote 1: In the beginning of the year 1755, on rumours of a great armament at Brest, one Virette, a Swiss, who had been a kind of toad-eater to this St. Germain, was denounced to Lord Holdernesse for a spy; but Mr. Stanley going pretty surlily to his lordship, on his suspecting a friend of his, Virette was declared innocent, and the penitent secretary of state made him the amende honorable of a dinner in form.

"All right," I said surlily.

"I've got the chuck," he said, surlily.

"What have you got to say to that?" "What I say is that I'm a damned fool!" answered Carter surlily.

"What should I know?" answered Robertson, a bit surlily.

So down he got rather surlily from the box, opened the coach door, and in the two witches stepped, laughing in their sleeves.

"The sheriff says," retorted Patterson surlily, "that she's notified him that she claims the rancho as a gift from her husband three years ago, and she's in possession now, and was so when the execution was out.

34 examples of  surlily  in sentences