21 examples of swank in sentences

"Sheer swank," Phinuit commented.

Maybe you thought that was swank.

In the first week of August, at any rate, the atmosphere had no reason to swank.

Dug spikes into the guest's coconut while he was asleep, and then went swanking about the place like a Girl Guide.


All coming quite naturally and simply; no swank, no false modesty.

Their trousers either tuck inside the uppers of their boots and should be sufficiently long to do so without pulling out in a strained turn or fall, or they may be buttoned round outside the boots or folded and tied on with Norwegian puttees or swanks.

Elaboration is easily obtained by bright-coloured gloves, scarves or swanks.

Swanks, or Norwegian puttees, may be used to tie the socks above or over the boot so as to prevent the snow from getting inside.

Little chaps of seven or eight run through the woods on these occasions, swanking their turns through the trees and putting most grown-up runners to shame by their nimbleness.

He's swanking so already that it makes me tired to be in the room with him, and now he'll be worse than ever.

But, exasperated by his swank, I suddenly found myself saying, 'My handicap is 12.'

In Bailey's Dictionary, swank is said to be "that remainder of liquor at the bottom of a tankard, pot, or cup, which is just sufficient for one draught, which it is not accounted good manners to divide with the left-hand man, and according to the quantity is called either a large or little swank.

In Bailey's Dictionary, swank is said to be "that remainder of liquor at the bottom of a tankard, pot, or cup, which is just sufficient for one draught, which it is not accounted good manners to divide with the left-hand man, and according to the quantity is called either a large or little swank.

That ought to stop her swanking.

The doorkeeper saw it was a large, swanking envelope with very polite writing.

"It's five months since Dick came home, and as for Christopher" "What swank for old Margots, now her hair is up," piped Archie.

He shot hostile glances at her aswith his cap on her head, her hands deep in the money-laden pocketsshe swaggered and swanked before them.

They "stuck it," gamely, without grousing, without swanking, without any other thought than suffering all the hardships and all the thrills of war like men who know the gravity of the game, and the risks, and the duty to which they have pledged themselves.

Had Moussa Isa lived a few centuries earlier, been of another colour, and swanked around in painful iron garments and assorted cutlery, he would have been highly praised for his fine and proper spirit.

Your audience will have no swank frae yeno side.

21 examples of  swank  in sentences