186 examples of swann in sentences

"Back?" repeated Swann.

"He'd better have had that trip on the whaler," commented Mr. Swann; "but that is not news.

"Don't flatter me," said Swann, putting his hand out of the bed-clothes with a deprecatory gesture.

"Blaikie was saying something about it this morning," resumed Swann, regarding him from half-closed lids, "but he was punching and tapping me all about the ribs while he was talking, and I didn't catch all he said, but I think it's all arranged.

"When did you have the last, Swann?

"Twice," said Mr. Swann, lying on his back and apparently addressing the ceiling, "twice I have given this young man invaluable assistance, and each time he has bungled.

" Mr. Swann made an alarming noise in his throat.

"What?" cried the astounded Mr. Swann, suddenly sitting up in his bed.

" "Bravo!" said Hardy and patted him on the back; Mr. Swann referred to the base of his left lung, and he apologized.

"And I can't be worried about these things," said Swann, in an acrimonious voice, as they entered.

" Mr. Swann rose to a sitting position, and his demeanour was so alarming that the nurse, hastening over to him, entreated him to lie down, and waved Hardy peremptorily from the room.

CHAPTER XX Charmed at the ease with which he had demolished the objections of Mr. Adolphus Swann and won that suffering gentleman over to his plans, Hardy began to cast longing glances at Equator Lodge.

"Now Swann is ill I can't always get away when I wish," he said, easily.

"He's worried about 'is money," he said, referring to Mr. Swann.

Hardy walked home with a mind more at ease than it had been at any time since his overtures to Mr. Swann.

CHAPTER XXII Mr. Nathan Smith, usually one of the most matter-of-fact men in the world, came out of Mr. Swann's house in a semi-dazed condition, and for some time after the front door had closed behind him stood gaping on the narrow pavement.

"I've been spending a hour or two at Mr. Swann's," said Mr. Smith.

"Dr. Blaikie was the other witness," continued Mr. Smith, disregarding the interruption; "and Mr. Swann made us both promise to keep it a dead secret till 'e's gone, but out o' friendship to you I thought I'd step round and let you know.

"Becos if Mr. Swann got to 'ear of it he'd guess I'd been blabbing, for one thing," he said, sharply, "and for another, 'e left it to 'im partly to make up for 'is disappointmenthe'd been disappointed 'imself in 'is younger days, so 'e told me.

Take your time about it, and be sure and let Mr. Swann know.

It was also clear that Mr. Swann's complaisance was nearly at an end, and a letter, couched in vigorous, not to say regrettable, terms for a moribund man, expressed such a desire for fresh air and exercise that Hardy was prepared to see him at any moment.

Do you know how ignorant you are? SEE Harding, T. Swann.


SEE Harding, T. Swann.

Swann's way and Within a budding grove.

186 examples of  swann  in sentences