283 examples of sward in sentences

Whereat this strange man, sitting cross-legged upon the sward, smiled his wry and twisted smile and looked upon Beltane with bright, approving eye.

" "Say you so, boy?" said the stranger, and rising, took from behind a tree a long and heavy lance and thrust it into Beltane's grip; then, drawing his sword, he set it upright in the sward, and upon the hilt he put his cap, saying: "Ride back up the glade, and try an thou canst pick up my cap on thy point, at a gallop."

So for a space, sword clashed with pike, but ever Beltane, laughing loud, drave them before him till but two remained and they writhing upon the sward.

" "Aye, base archer, begone!" nodded the Pardoner, seating himself upon the sward.

A few minutes more, and we reached a broad piece of open sward, which I knew for the top of Hoar Head.

Maskew sat on the sward with his hands lashed tight behind his back, and his feet tied in front.

Then he opened the lanthorn slide, took out from his neckcloth that same pin with the onyx head which he had used in the Why Not? and fixed it in the tallow a short inch from the top, setting the lanthorn down upon the sward in front of Maskew.

We came back together from the brambles to the piece of sward, and there sat Maskew where we had left him with his back against the stone.

And before Elzevir could get at him, Maskew had fallen over on the sward with a groan, and with a little red hole in the middle of his forehead.

And there was the little red hole in the middle of his forehead, and a thread of blood that welled up from it and trickled off on to the sward.

It was after noon, for the sun was past the meridian, and very hot for the time of year, when the face of the country began to change; and instead of the short sward of the open down, sprinkled with tiny white snail-shells, the ground was brashy with flat stones, and divided up into tillage fields.

Then I sought something to fix my thoughts, and looking on that side of the wall where the sward was, fell to counting the mole-hills that were cast up in numbers thereabout.

We had left the stony village fields, and the face of the country was covered once more with the closest sward, which was just putting on the brighter green of spring.

The light was very low, showing all the little unevennesses of the turf; and the sward crept over the edges of the hole, and every crack and crevice in steps and slide was green with ferns.

Beneath those rough, bare hills, broken here and there by a trickling burn, like a silver thread on the brown sward, stands a Norman tower, the addition, by Playfair's skill, to what was once a scarcely habitable farmhouse.

* 61 a jar' chal' ice a thwart' rap' tur ous sward ter' race jew' eled ci bo' ri um por' tal vil' lain au da' cious sac ri le' gious LEGEND OF THE WAXEN CIBORIUM.

To rightto left,he faltered; then swift across the sward, (Like dusky demon fleeing), he bore the Hidden Lord; By mere and moonlit meadow his rapid passage sped, Till, at an open wicket, he paused with bended head.

Now Ishtar downward drove his raging car, And in Khumbaba's eyes her rays she cast, The giant turned his glanceit was his last; Unwary caught, his foe has swung his sword, Khumbaba's gory head rolls o'er the sward.

A tunic of finest fabric was flung back, displaying a figure of delicate proportions, half recumbent now upon the sward.

At suppertime, when Dave Cowan came, he was wetting the shorn sward with spray from a hose.

I should like to cut a broad sward, or, better still, to roam among many herds.

Inasmuch as the law had refused learning a fitting temple in which to abide and be honored, she was led by her votaries into the open, and there, beside the fragrant hedge, if you will, with the green sward for benches, and the canopy of heaven for dome, she was honored in Ireland, even as she had been honored ages before in Greece, in Palestine, and by our primordial Celtic ancestors themselves.

She poked one finger through the sward to the hardness underneath.

As I looked at it pensively I pictured the tired boy holdin' the onhandy handles of the plow and trudgin' along behind his team through the long sultry days, and thought to myself, what hopes and dreams and ambitions wuz turned over by that old plow as well as green-sward.

And then her heart suddenly stood still, for away in the distance, walking with his light, swinging gait over the moonlit sward, she saw Nap.

283 examples of  sward  in sentences