4897 examples of swell in sentences

So early as this the poplar buds had begun to swell and the air was filled with the sweet odor of balsam, spruce and cedar.

Nose and lips began to swell.

His jaw, heavy and cumbersome always, thrust itself forward, and I could see the veins swell dangerously into a tangled, clotted mass on his temples.

And it did neither bell nor swell,

" Another version used in the North of England is this: "Unto the Virgin Mary our Saviour was horn, And on his head he wore a crown of thorn; If you believe this true, and mind it well, This hurt will never fester nor swell.

For many miles about there was scarce a bush; and there upon a heath, exposed to the fury of the storm in a dark night, did king Lear wander out, and defy the winds and the thunder: and he bid the winds to blow the earth into the sea, or swell the waves of the sea till they drowned the earth, that no token might remain of any such ungrateful animal as man.

Danny's foot does not like itand every nerve is crying 'Pull it outpull it out,' and the blood has gathered round to see what's wrong, just like a crowd of people on the street, growing bigger every minute, so Danny's foot is beginning to swell and get red and hot.

One writes in such a book as this not to express oneself but to swell a chorus.

The storm was slowly rolling off my mind, but the swell was still left behind it.

"A swell pair of souvenirs," he said bitterly, "for an 'ign'rant, savage, stupid brute' of a cow-puncher to be packin' around!"

She turned again toward the Quarter Circle KT group and a shamed silence settled over the swell "out-of-town" car.

According to what seems useful at the moment, the Aulic chancellors swell or reduce the disaster.

Though his clothes were good, and new, they had the air of having been bought ready made; and in spite of his would-be "smart" get up, the man (who might have been anywhere between thirty and thirty-eight) looked somewhat like an ex-groom, or bookmaker, masquerading as a "swell.

"For thee they fought, for thee they fell, And their oath was on thee laid; To thee the clarions raised their swell, And the dying warriors pray'd." Percival.

There was a long swell breaking on the beach as we left our base of supplies, but we passed safely through the line of breakers to the smooth waters beyond, and now headed for the upper bay.

Circling this shore we successfully passed inside the line of breakers and soon met the long ground swell of the Pacific, while Seal Bay stretched for many miles inland on the other side.

For she must have both hoods and gowns, and hoops to swell her pride, With scarfs and stays, and gloves and lace; and she will have men beside; And when she's drest with care and cost, all-tempting, fine and gay, As men should serve a cucumber, she flings herself away.'

I found that a good anchorage existed, with three fathoms at low water, one mile off the little cove from which the ship had been watered, and is approachable at all times, except in strong east or south-east gales, when a heavy swell sets in across the bay, rendering a landing unsafe.

For they were a musical family, and knew what they were about, when they sung a Glee or Catch, I can assure you,especially Topper, who could growl away in the bass like a good one, and never swell the large veins in his forehead, or get red in the face over it.

If it were the vast old sea, even the deep immensity of its dread bosom seemed to swell the higher, as if moved by the emotions of the song.

no more amid the battle Shall my heart exulting swell: Isis and Osiris guard thee!

They swell in the water, until the yellowish bundle is three times as large as the Whelk that laid it.

I saw a little Bird, cal'd Tedula, The least of thousands which on earth abide, That forst this hideous beast to open wide The greisly gates of his devouring hell, And let him feede, as Nature doth provide, Upon his iawes, that with blacke venime swell.

The subtill vermin, creeping closely* neare, Did in his drinke shed poyson privilie; Which, through his entrailes spredding diversly, Made him to swell, that nigh his bowells brust, And him enforst to yeeld the victorie, That did so much in his owne greatnesse trust.

I might swell with dignity and importancefor once, at least.

4897 examples of  swell  in sentences