214 examples of swindles in sentences

The Ronleian is a beastly swindle, and it's high time we had something different." (A voice, "No, 'tisn't," and the bursting of a paper bag.)

I say it is a swindle: they didn't give any account of that fourth eleven match against Robertson's second, and they made fun of us in the 'Quad Gossip,' and said that in 'The Happy Family' there was a preponderance of monkey."

" "Verily, he is a scheming man, who will swindle you out of the eight hundred pounds when you have secured it.

He had come there with a carefully concocted lie on his tongue to swindle the sharpest lawyer in Scranton out of enough money to fill an empty purse.

"A titlea foreign title, I meanis always very useful for purposes of swindles and frauds," remarked the man in the corner to Polly one day.

The swindler swindles himself," says Emerson.

It's a swindle to pay three cents for the Herald in such monotonous times.

An Outrageous Swindle VII.

CHAPTER VI An Outrageous Swindle Amarendra Babu had expected Kumodini Babu to run after him, with entreaties to return and the promise of a note of hand for Rs.

Till then let us stifle at least all outward expressions of disgust or indignation at the legal swindle.

If wealth can be obtained only by such swindles, I prefer poverty.

Though weak and lame In parts that gave to others fame, Yet sought not he by such defect To swindle praise for wise neglect Of vulgar charms, that only blind The dazzled eye to those of Mind.

he-e-e!how he laughs when he recurs to those days of the long, long ago, with their miserable little swindles, no better than farthing candles, (allowable rhyme,) and their puny dodges devised for flagellating LUCIFER round a stump.

It was general Choke who induced Martin Chuzzlewit to stake his all in the egregious Eden swindle.

Some of these have been fairly honest, but many of them have been little better than rank swindles.

It is true that swindles still happen in the City, but their number is trivial compared with the volume of the public's money that is handled and invested.

John Sadleir thereupon killed himself; his brother James was expelled from the House of Commons, and he and several others implicated in the swindle fled the country and never reappeared, and so the "Brass Band" broke up, amid the well-deserved contempt of men of every shade of political opinion.

He could not recognize that title in English hands, but did in the hands of Indians, and while pretending to purchase of them a conquest title, perpetrated one of the greatest swindles on record since that by which Jacob won the birthright of his starving brother.

But do you think it is hers, or a swindle?' 'Didn't she say she had given her autograph?' exclaimed Susan.

"It's part of your swindle to assume that you do know why.

till it drowns the chiming minster bells, Whose sound this swindle of your rights by crafty Austria tells!

That portion of the public who read bad novels cannot be reached by criticism; but if they could only be reached by Scott, they would quickly discover and resent the swindle of which they have so long been the victims.

" "Then you will detect plenty of swindles, if you find out one in ten.

the petty fraudsthe swindles of agencya term which, to be sure, is derived from the Latin word "agere," to dothe cobweb of petty commissionsthe flat bribesthe smooth hush-money!

The comedy of Lesage, Turcaret, turns upon the intrigues and swindles of one of these traitants or partisans, as they were also called.

214 examples of  swindles  in sentences