421 examples of swirl in sentences

" Mrs. Coblenz shifted her weight from one slipper to the other, her maroon-net skirts lying in a swirl around them.

But, in the passage from which we have quoted, the swirl of feeling on the other side continues, I rail'd at Scots to show my wrath and wit, Which must be own'd was sensitive and surly.

I shall never forget that dark ship's deck, with no sound breaking the silence except the soft swirl of water alongside, the occasional flap of canvas aloft, and the creak of the wheel.

Runnels of rain water from the glacier-slips swirl through the pine needles into rivulets; the streams froth and rise in their banks.

The electron begins, perhaps, as a swirl in the primeval ether, joins other electrons, forms colonies, cities, empires, elements of an increasing complexity, through stages of a relative stability, like lead or gold.

While he stood there he was suddenly conscious of the sound of the opening gate, brisk footsteps up the tiled way, the soft swirl of a woman's skirt.

The pleasure swirl was creeping a little into his veins.

THE BRUSH should be moderately long carried low when the dog is quiet, with a slight upward "swirl" at the end, and may be gaily carried when the dog is excited, but not over the back.

After a further search in the cupboard, Mr. Clarkson discovered a similar piece of stone, and stooping down, began to swirl it about in the same manner.

Like drops in its exhaustless flood, Our little lives emerge, Swirl for an instant, and are gone, Sunk by another surge!

Swirl and Pool and Growing Flood XIII.

SWIRL AND POOL AND GROWING FLOOD Gringo wandered on with nose alert, passing countless odors of berries, roots, grouse, deer, till a new and pleasing smell came with especial force.

Then all weakness passed from Red Perris; there was invigorating wine in the air he breathed; a vast power clothed him suddenly and while the frenzy endured he drew Alcatraz swiftly in from the gripping currents and to the comparatively mild swirl of water where he stood.

Gone are the chaste curves of the slim white silk legs that used to kick so lithely from the swirl of lace and chiffon.

Then wandering away in a swirl of drift to clear some irregularities at the ice foot, he completely lost the island when he could only have been a few yards from it.

" "I dare notnay, I cannot," and she flung herself away from the trap, and lay at full length on the floor, with the moon and the furnace light reflecting a mad swirl of color over her upturned, staring face.

How far had he swum ere his strength gave out or, with sudden swirl, he was dragged under by the man-eating shark?

Then for thirty or forty minutes we ran down the swift, twisting river, the two lashed canoes almost coming to grief at one spot where a swirl of the current threw them against some trees on a small submerged island.

It had been preceded by another cry, as the boy and the sapling he was twisted round toppled into the river together, uprooted stones and clods pounding after them and discolouring the pool into which the torrent rushes between rocks, to swirl frantically before it dives down a narrow channel and leaps into another caldron.

The wind was rushing through the tree-tops with increased fervor; the air was cool and wet with the signs of rain; a swirl of dust flew up into her face; the swish of leaves sounded like the splashing of water in the air.

The crossing of her knees revealed a swirl of silken petticoat, and more than a glimpse of filmy silk stockings.

The dead man lying in the crushed grasshis arms thrown out helplessly on either side of himthe gloom of the trees all aroundthe murmuring of the waters, where Till was pouring its sluggish flood into the more active swirl and rush of the Tweedthe hot, oppressive air of the nightand the blood on the dry roadall that was what, at Mr. Gilverthwaite's bidding, I had ridden out from Berwick to find in that lonely spot.

However, the Italian never even gave her a glance as he came up; his machine flew by with a swirl, amid a crashing crescendo; then it disappeared in the dust of the distance.

" Then she swept toward the door with her empress air, the rather shabby, dark dress making a swirl behind her; and as she got there she turned and spoke again, with her hand on the bronze tracery of the fingerplate, making, unconsciously, a highly dramatic picture, as a sudden last ray of the sinking sun shot out and struck the glory of her hair, turning it to flame above her brow.

Then, with an abruptness that cannot be pictured, everything was blotted out in a great, blinding swirl of dust as the wind came whooping down upon them.

421 examples of  swirl  in sentences