230 examples of swishing in sentences

Then it was our turn, and after what seemed to me a tremendous swishing and swirling at imminent risk of collision, we swung up to the open port, a line was flung out and made fast, and a moment later Godfrey and I and the other two men were aboard the liner.

From the ice-hills came the swishing scream of the iron runners down the terrific slope.

A cloud of dust was sent swishing up, and in the midst of this fog, Diablo came to a pause as sudden as the beginning of his strange struggle against an imaginary foeman; but it seemed to Bull Hunter that the ground beneath his feet was still quivering from the impacts of that mighty body.

It was accompanied by a swishing, ominous, tearing sound.

Tom swung forward exultant, his webs swishing swiftly over the snow.

A thin, cold rain was falling, swishing among the tall poplar trees and rustling in the fields on either side.

I'm awaiting my next swishing for upsetting my cup at breakfast in your defence, so I hardly think I deserve any pi-jaw from you, do I?" "Oh, I'm not at all pi, I assure you," Avery said.

"I don't think you need wait any longer for the swishing.

Another blow, driven home with equal power and precision on the opposite side, made the tree shudder to its top, and the third blow sent it swishing to the earth.

There was a swishing sound; then a sudden crunching jerk and the rope tied to the girder began to writhe and twist like a live thing.

It came in with a swishing roar, a rush and rise of furious water that swept us like corks up the beach, till we were within touch of the rope's-end, and the men shouted again to hearten us as they flung it out.

He almost failed to rouse himself on the morning that followed, and when he staggered to his feet and felt the cutting sting of the storm still in his face, and heard the swishing wail of it over the Barren, he knew that at last the moment had come when he was standing face to face with the Almighty.

As I stood there waiting for him to come within reach I heard a peculiar fluttering which puzzled me, until my memory served me, and I remembered that this queer swishing sound belonged to Rajah, the dumb Malay mess-boy.

The cool of the place was grateful after the heat of our climb up the rocky bed of the creek, I was about to return and urge Captain Riggs to press on to this place when I heard the subdued murmur of voices away to the right and the swishing of foliage.

the reformers somehow got a smell of the scheme, and whenever they get swishing round something's bound to get spilt.

She heard again the swishing that their feet used to make in the leaves of Kensington Gardens.

They" There came a smart rapping at the door, followed by certain giggling and swishing.

" The swishing swelled to a mighty rustle as the door opened.

Suddenly there came to her ears the sound of something swishing through the air.

As if she had not heard her lady's remark, the maid went on: "I'd go off to sleep, and then suddenly, I'd awake and hear this peculiar rustle, ma'am, like a dress swishing alongan old-fashioned, rich, soft silk, such as ladies wore in the old days, when I was a child.

But the rain had come swishing down again, and we of the 71st rushed off to our barn once more, where we had better quarters than the greater part of our comrades, who lay stretched in the mud with the storm beating upon them until the first peep of day.

I now thought I heard the swishing of a mill in the distance; I redoubled my steps, and how relieved, how joyous I felt when at last I actually reached the end of the dreary rocks!

Down at the creek Dill was trying to get a trout or two more before it grew too dark for them to rise to the raw beef he was swishing through the riffle, and an impulse to have the worst over at once and be done drove Billy down to interrupt.

Again my ear caught a violent swishing of brush accompanied by a snapping of twigs.

Their wings made a soft swishing sound.

230 examples of  swishing  in sentences