122 examples of swivels in sentences

He decidedly overmatched them in the combined strength of all kinds of ordnancecannons, carronades, howitzers, mortars, and swivels.

Swivels were the smallest kind of ordnance, firing one-, two-, or three-pound balls at short or medium ranges.

The baggage was done into packs as large as a man could carry; a force was told off to drag the swivels; the officers added their horses to the train, and prepared to carry packs just as the men did.

The swivels had long since been abandoned, for the gunners were picked off so soon as they showed themselves above the breastwork.

These small prahus have usually swivels mounted, which, although not of great calibre, are capable of throwing a shot beyond the range of small-arms.

Her armament was originally to have been six carriage guns, four pounders, and eight swivels, but they were increased to ten carriage guns and eight swivels, and at Plymouth four more swivels were added for use in the boats.

Her armament was originally to have been six carriage guns, four pounders, and eight swivels, but they were increased to ten carriage guns and eight swivels, and at Plymouth four more swivels were added for use in the boats.

Her armament was originally to have been six carriage guns, four pounders, and eight swivels, but they were increased to ten carriage guns and eight swivels, and at Plymouth four more swivels were added for use in the boats.

After waiting for some days for a fair wind, Cook eventually sailed at 2 P.M. on 26th August, having, as he says in his Journal, "94 persons, including officers, seamen, Gentlemen and their servants; near 18 months' provisions, 10 carriage guns, 12 swivels, with good store of ammunition, and stores of all kinds" on board.

On the 22nd April the two sloops were at Longreach to take in their guns and gunners' stores; twelve carriage guns and twelve swivel musketoons for the Resolution, and ten carriage guns and ten swivels for the Adventure.

His chain is often too short and is not provided with swivels to avert kinks.

His proa is the only vessel that is provided with a compass; it also has one or two swivels or small guns, and is perhaps armed with muskets.

She mounted 6 guns & 12 swivels, & had a crew of 30 hands, two of whom were Englishmen, who had been taken prisoners, and had entered their service.

She was well fitted with 4 swivels, one gun, & other stores.

In collecting these vessels, six in all, including four boats, his object had not been resistancefor the armaments of the whole amounted to but six swivels, together with a few musketsbut vigilance.

Letters to Washington, 33, p. 90.] and told Clark that Hamilton had at the time only eighty men in garrison, with three pieces of cannon and some swivels mounted, but that as soon as the winter broke, he intended to gather a very large force and take the offensive.

He first equipped a row-galley with two four-pounders and four swivels, and sent her off with a crew of forty men, having named her the Willing.

All of the cannon and swivels in the fort were placed about eleven feet above the ground, on the upper floors of the strong block-houses that formed the angles of the palisaded walls.

Clark had taken, without artillery, a heavy stockade, protected by cannon and swivels, and garrisoned by trained soldiers.

Immediately after taking the fort Clark sent Helm and fifty men, in boats armed with swivels, up the Wabash to intercept a party of forty French volunteers from Detroit, who were bringing to Vincennes bateaux heavily laden with goods of all kinds, to the value of ten thousand pounds sterling.

He speaks of "the gun" and "the smaller ordnance," presumably swivels.

They carry from one to two small guns, with commonly four swivels or rantakas to each side, and a crew of from twenty to thirty men.

When they engage, they put up a strong bulwark of thick plank; the Illanoon proas are much larger and more formidable, and commonly carry from four to six guns, and a proportionable number of swivels, and have not unfrequently a double bulwark covered with buffalo hides; their crews consist of from forty to eighty men.

Three guns, one a four pounder, and two large swivels, with several pistols, cutlasses, and eight large boats, were captured.

Aided by the gunner, he applied matches to the two swivels, which had been placed in readiness for a last resort.

122 examples of  swivels  in sentences