379 examples of synonyms in sentences


In considering pairs we have, without using the word, been studying synonyms.

For most pairs are synonyms (or in some instances antonyms) that hunt in couples.

We must now deal with synonyms, and incidentally antonyms, as they associate themselves in larger groups.

Nine times in ten, because of a disregard of synonyms.

James C. Fernald: English Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions.

Then under it write all the synonyms that come forthwith to your mind.

Draw a line under it and subjoin such synonyms as come to you after reflection.

For through these basic ideas is the most natural and profitable approach to the study of synonyms.

Thus in listing the synonyms of cry they include both the idea of weeping and the idea of calling or screaming.

This book offers synonyms that are apropos and definite rather than comprehensive.

EXERCISE A After three introductory groups (dealing with thoroughly concrete ideas and words) the synonyms in this exercise are arranged alphabetically according to the first word in each group.

It is immediately followed by a list of its synonyms.

Perhaps a few less closely related synonyms are then listed for you to discriminate in a similar way.

EXERCISE F Write three synonyms for each of the following words.

In Chapter VII you made a study of printed distinctions between synonyms.

In Chapter VIII you were given lists of synonyms and made the distinctions yourself.

Near the close of Chapter VIII you were given words and discovered for yourself what their synonyms are.

But you are not yet a perfectly trained hunter of synonyms.

Give three synonyms for great as applied to size, to number, to a man widely known for notable achievement, to an error or crime, to price.

Give six synonyms for stiff as applied to an iron rod; three as applied to an adversary; six as applied to one's manner or bearing; two as applied to one's style of writing or speaking. <Strong>.

Give three synonyms for strong as applied to a person in regard to his health; ten as applied to him in regard to his muscularity of physique; four as applied to a fortress; three as applied to a plea or assertion; three as applied to an argument or reason; three as applied to determination; two as applied to liquor; three as applied to a light; two as applied to corrective measures; two as applied to an odor.

Give five synonyms for vain as applied to a man who overvalues himself or his accomplishments; six as applied to an attempt that comes to nothing; three as applied to hopes that have little chance of fulfilment.

Abandon, Synonyms of, Abase, Synonyms of, Abettor, Synonyms of, Abolish, Synonyms of, Abridge Abstract vs. concrete terms.

See Classic words Laugh, Synonyms of, Laughable, Synonyms of, Lead, Synonyms of, Lect, leg family Lengthen, Synonyms of, Lessen, Synonyms of, Lewd Liberal, Synonyms of, Lie (noun), Synonyms of, Lie (verb), Synonyms of, Lig family Likeness, Synonyms of, Limp, Synonyms of, List, Synonyms of, Literal vs. figurative terms and applications.

379 examples of  synonyms  in sentences