14 examples of sypher in sentences

Address Secretan & Sypher, Solicitors, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. 3 IV MUTINY Sofia had never heard the name of Michael Lanyard.

Neither did the firm style of Messrs. Secretan & Sypher, Solicitors, mean anything to her.

Already Sofia had sorted out and was staring in blank wonder at an envelope addressed to Mama Thérèse and bearing in its upper left-hand corner the imprint of its origin: Secretan & Sypher Solicitors Lincoln's Inn Fields London, W.C. 3.

You might, if you felt like it, call it a strange coincidence that she should have read the advertisement of Messrs. Secretan & Sypher just before their letter was delivered and Mama Thérèse by her intemperate conduct warmed Sofia's simmering suspicions to the boiling point.

You see, she'd seen that advertisement of Secretan & Sypher's, and smelt a rat."

these bowles which we roule and turn in our lower sypher are by use made wodden worldlings right, for every one strives who shall lye neerest the mistris. Ac.

J. L. Synge & Byron A. Griffith (A); 2Sep69; R467812. SYPHER, WYLIE.

Wylie Sypher (A); 22Dec69; R475247.

By Wylie Sypher.

Wylie Sypher (A); 23Dec74; R594026. R594027.

J. L. Synge & Byron A. Griffith (A); 2Sep69; R467812. SYPHER, WYLIE.

Wylie Sypher (A); 22Dec69; R475247.

By Wylie Sypher.

Wylie Sypher (A); 23Dec74; R594026. R594027.

14 examples of  sypher  in sentences