36 examples of syringes in sentences

they discharged the dirty liquid from their syringes; and when he said "Vilti Goulgoul!"

All these were under regular discipline, and at the word of command discharged their syringes on friend or foe, as the case might be.

We may, too, compare the story of Daphne and Syrinx, who, when they could no longer elude the pursuit of Apollo and Pan, change themselves into a laurel and a reed.

Swale, iii. Sylla, i. Sylvanus, i. Sylvius, ii. Syrinx, iv. Talus, iii.

In an eddy in the seething crowd was a placid-faced Aymara, bedecked in the most tawdry manner with gewgaws from Birmingham or Manchester, sedately playing a melancholy tune on a rustic syrinx or Pan's pipe, charmingly made from little tubes of bamboo from eastern Bolivia.

He had sent Lamb William Warner's Syrinx; or, A Sevenfold History, 1597.

Not without meaning has myth endowed woman with the power of metamorphosis, to change at will like the maidens in the legend into wild white swans, or like Syrinx, fleeing from the too ardent pursuit of Pan, into a flowering reed, or like Lamia, into a jewelled serpent Eyed like a peacock, and all crimson barr'd; And full of silver moons.

I think the presence of these young women with their hypodermic syringes and first-aid bandages, and their skill in driving heavy motor-cars, and their spiritual disregard of danger, gave a sense of comfort and tenderness to those men who had been long absent from their women-folk and long-suffering in the bleak and ugly cruelty of war.

Young men, shells, hay, linen for bandages, stretchers, splints, hypodermic syringes were wanted in enormous quantities, but not light o' loves, with cheap perfume on their hair, or the fairies of the footlights with all the latest tango steps.

Alston says that the "Cassia lignea of the ancients was the larger branches of the cinnamon tree, cut off with their bark and sent together to the druggists; their Cassia fistula, or Syrinx, was the same cinnamon in the bark only;" but Ruæus says that it also sometimes denoted the lavender, and sometimes the rosemary.

They armed themselves with two large-sized syringes used for showering potato bugs.

[Footnote 3: The 'Syrinx' of Theocritus consists of twenty verses, so arranged that the length of each pair is less than that of the pair before, and the whole resembles the ten reeds of the mouth organ or Pan pipes ([Greek: syrigx]).

Honeycomb 410 Syllogisms 239 Syrinx of Theocritus, the 58 (Fn. 3)

In addition to the instructions given in paragraph 6, there shall be in the houses vessels filled with boiling water, tallow, molasses and other liquids, which shall be thrown as bombs on the Americans who pass in front of their houses, or they can make use of syringes or tubes of bamboo.

Pan and Syrinx; an Opera of one act, performed on the Theatre in Little Lincoln's Inn-Fields, 1717.

It is identified with the Holí or Dolá-yátra, the Saturnalia, or rather, Carnival of the Hindús, when people of all conditions take liberties with each other, especially by scattering red powder and coloured water on the clothes of persons passing in the street, as described in the play called Ratnávalí, where the crowd are represented as using syringes and waterpipes.

He has been sent by Pan to fetch fruits for the entertainment of 'His paramour the Syrinx bright.'

From the stony Maenalus Bring your Flocks, and live with us; Here ye shall have greater grace To serve the Lady of this place, Though Syrinx your Pans Mistres were, Yet Syrinx well might wait on her.

From the stony Maenalus Bring your Flocks, and live with us; Here ye shall have greater grace To serve the Lady of this place, Though Syrinx your Pans Mistres were, Yet Syrinx well might wait on her.

The metamorphosis is related by Pan himself, who returns bearing in his hand a reed, all that is left of his beloved Syrinx.

At Marseilles they drench each other with scented water, which is poured from the windows or squirted from little syringes; the roughest jest is to souse passers-by with clean water, which gives rise to loud bursts of laughter."

The water was squirted from syringes, poured on the heads of passers-by from windows, and so on.

Ah, thou dear and godlike mortal, 5 If Pan takes thee for his pupil, Make me but another Syrinx For that piping.

Ah, timid Syrinx, do I not know Thy tremor of sweet fear?

I can guess the heart-stop, Fall and lull and sequence, Full of grief for Syrinx 15 Long ago.

36 examples of  syringes  in sentences