78 examples of systematizing in sentences

All that another mind could do for us by way of teaching Art would be to save us time,first, by its experience, in anticipating our failures; second, by its trained accuracy, to correct our errors of expression more promptly than our afterthought would do it,and to systematize our perceptions for us by showing us the relative and comparative importance of truths in Nature.

What possibility is there of systematizing the exchange? Germany was compelled this year to carry her expenses to 130 milliards of marks.

For, without doubt, Mohammed felt his weakness in systematizing and his absence of clearness of vision into the future, and therefore he postponed the promulgation of divine decrees as long as possible, and he solved only such questions of law as frequently recurred, when further hesitation would have been dangerous to his authority and to the peace of the community.

At first, it was only at Medina that some pious people occupied themselves with registering, putting in order, and systematizing the spiritual property of Islâm; afterwards similar circles were formed in other centres, such as Mecca, Kufa, Basra, Misr (Cairo), and elsewhere.

" There can be no doubt as to Aristotle's marvellous power of systematizing.

Cicero was the first to systematize the philosophy which contributed so greatly to his intellectual culture, But even he added nothing; he was only a commentator and expositor.

In demolishing errors and systematizing truth he was the greatest benefactor to the cause of "orthodoxy" that appeared in Europe for several centuries, admired for his genius as much as Spencer and other great lights of science are in our day, but standing preeminent and lofty over all, like a beacon light to give both guidance and warning to inquiring minds in every part of Christendom.

When science has done this, however, it has done nothing more than systematize our experiences, and has in no degree extended the limits of our experiences.

Many of them can be imparted by instruction, and it is for the purpose of systematizing these and making them available for students that this book is prepared.

adjust, methodize, regulate, systematize.

class, classify; divide; file, string together, thread; register &c (record) 551; catalogue, tabulate, index, graduate, digest, grade. methodize, regulate, systematize, coordinate, organize, settle, fix. unravel, disentangle, ravel, card; disembroil^;

cast, recast, systematize, organize; arrange &c 60; digest, mature.

The metaphysics of the learned Jew are derived from the same source, namely, Aristotle; and his object was the same, as that of the Christian Schoolmen, namely, to systematize the religion he professed on the form and in the principles of the Aristotelian philosophy.

To these, therefore, he treated them thoroughly; in some of his "Ten Sermons" the demand made upon the systematizing power of his audience was really formidable; and I have always remembered a certain lecture of his on the Anglo-Saxons as the most wonderful instance that ever came within my knowledge of the adaptation of solid learning to the popular intellect.

Therefore, although the Kantian philosophy is established as far as its inner content is concerned, there is still need of earnest work to systematize the fragments and results which he gives into a firmly connected and impregnable whole.

To know a thing is but to separate and distinguish it from something else; and classifying and systematizing are carrying the same law from the particular to the general.

All that was to do was to systematize it.

So they became lifeless; they were at once formally systematized and classified, subjected to strict proportions and rules, and cast, as it were, in moulds.

But the Art which is systematized is degraded.

So with Art,when we systematize it for the indiscriminate use of thoughtless and unloving men, we degrade it.

The collection and systematizing of accurate information of the number, arm, and condition of the militia of all classes of the several States, and the compilation of yearly reports of the same for the information of this Department.

Systematizing the teacher's work.

The English, who systematize all amusements so much more than we, have developed this simple entertainment into several different games, arduous and complicated as their games of ball.

To extend, amplify, and systematize this language of signs was his task.

All reports indicate that he had a wonderful facility in the off-hand expression of abstruse thought, but he had no faculty whatsoever for so ordering and systematizing his thoughts as to furnish explosive material for belligerent followers; the intellectual ammunition he put up was not in the convenient form of cartridges, nor even in kegs or barrels, but just poured out on the ground, where it disintegrated before it could be used.

78 examples of  systematizing  in sentences