17 examples of tactile in sentences

<Tact, tang, tain, ting, teg> (touch): (1) tact, contact, intact, intangible, attain, taint, stain, tinge, contingent, integrity, entire, tint; (2) tactile, tactual, tangent, distain, attaint, attainder, integer, disintegrate, contagion, contaminate, contiguous. Sentences:

Tactile, tangible, tantamount, temerity, tenable, tenacious, tentative, tenuous, termagant, terrestrial, testimentary, thaumaturgic, therapeutic, titular, torso, tortuous, tractable, traduce, transcendent, transfiguration, transient, transitory, translucent, transverse, travesty, tribulation, tributary, truculent, truncate, turbid, turpitude, tyro.

She had ceased personally, ceased materiallyin respect, as who should say, to any optical or tactile advantageto exist for him, and the whole office of his manner had been the more piously and gallantly to dress the dead presence with flowers.

In each papilla are seen vascular loops (dark lines) running up from the vascular network below, the tactile corpuscles with their nerve branches (white lines) which supply the papillæ.

The organ of touch, or tactile sensibility, is the most widely extended of all the special senses, and perhaps the simplest.

These are called touch-bodies, or tactile corpuscles, and are found in great numbers on the feet and toes, and more scantily in other places, as on the edges of the eyelids.

Tactile (Lat. tactus, touch).

tactual, tactile; tangible, palpable; lambent.

This sense is exquisite in men, and by his nerves dispersed all over the body, perceives any tactile quality.

Others of the papillæ contain nerves, ending here in tactile corpuscles, or continuing, as we have mentioned before, to ramify as fine fibrils in the rete mucosum of the epidermis.

'That the tactile sense in the horse's foot is useful, it would be idle to deny; but that it is absolutely essential, even to safe progression, no one who has paid attention to the results of plantar neurectomy will maintain.

The opponents of neurotomy were, probably, not aware that there is in progression a muscular as well as a tactile sense.

The spirit in our world is covered with a terrestrial body, which renders it invisible; but, freed from this body by natural death, it enters the spiritual world, where its spiritual body is perfectly visible and tactile.

The buttons are labeled "a," "b," "c," etc., to "z," and an electric current over the primary wire running from a certain button (say the one labeled "a") affects only those secondary wires connected with the styles that, when excited, produce upon the particular spot of the hands of the receivers the tactile impression to be interpreted as "a."

Tactile discrimination is so acute as to be able to interpret to the brain significant impressions produced in very rapid succession.

Those that are blind and do not throw out any radiance are compensated for this inferiority by the development of the tactile organs.

In ourselves, visual consciousness goes with our eyes, tactile consciousness with our skin.

17 examples of  tactile  in sentences