350 examples of tagged in sentences

And when the dance began he saw the prettiest girls tagged quickly, one after the other.

If he tagged Landis it would be casting the glove in the face of the big manand in the face of old Lebrunand in the face of that mysterious and evil power, Lord Nick himself.

It was he who spoke first, gloomily: "I shouldn't have done it; I shouldn't have tagged him!"

Clap to the leaves and go no farther than this, for I tell you plainly that if you go farther you will be scandalized by seeing good, sober folks of real history so frisk and caper in gay colors and motley that you would not know them but for the names tagged to them.

i.e., Wilt thou wear, &c.: point means one of the tagged laces which were used in dress to attach the hose or breeches to the doublet, &c. So second edit.

Likewise both waking and sleeping he was visited by visions of her; her mask, her full white-tagged brush, white throat, and the thick fur in her ears all haunted him.

Each time we picked up an item for the exhibition we tagged and numbered it so we would know the correct house to return the pot to later.

The circus newspaper mail was ready tagged in a hempen sack.

The kit of each man will be packed as follows: Stockings to be rolled tightly, one pair in the toe of each shoe; shoes placed together, heels at opposite ends, soles outward, wrapped tightly in underwear, and bundle securely tied around the middle by the extra pair of the shoe laces, each bundle to be tagged with the company number of the owner.

Muskwa tagged behind, just as he had followed the day before.

Miller had no desire to thrust himself upon the society of white people, which, indeed, to one who had traveled so much and so far, was no novelty; but he very naturally resented being at this late daythe law had been in operation only a few monthsbranded and tagged and set apart from the rest of mankind upon the public highways, like an unclean thing.

The men on the wreck understood the use of the apparatus, or read the instructions printed in several languages with which the heavy rope was tagged.

He had come like a non-periodic comet, and suddenly flashed his brass-tagged platform and arm-chair upon the gaping natives.

And accordingly they appeared, duly tagged, in Dryden's operatic masque, the State of Innocence.

"He can't help it now," laughed his friend, "he's tagged it on himself by one of his songs.

I tagged along, thoughto wait.

Soberanía Nacional published a most extraordinary article painting in vivid colours the alleged horrors of the San Lazaro Hospital, and stating among other things that the naked bodies of the dead, tagged and with their feet tied together, lay about the entrance of that institution.

"Why isn't it?" I explained the difference haltingly, and spoke of the wonderful system of identification in the French army, with every man tagged with a metal identification check.

The lead line, tagged with different colored bits of flannel at each fathom length, sang through the stout lad's fingers.

Whenever I could I attached myself to Captain Sproule like a lost dog, not thinking that perhaps he would not care to be tagged around by a child like me; and thus I saw things that should not have been seen by a boy, or by any one elsethings that I never forgot, and that afterward had an influence on me at a critical time in my life.

We shall not Look upon his Like Again" took the place of the pettifogging "Clerk of the Peace" or "J.P." tagged on to the names of the Jenkinses.

One of the most spectacular aspects of European expansion during modern times has been the growth of production and trade; the rapid increase in "foreign" investment; and governmental efforts to tie together geographically and ethnically remote places and peoples into neat bundles tagged Spanish Empire, British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire.

'Twas a pretty face, which had been plainly tagged by its Maker for a light-hearted trip through this world, but it had been seared by the iron of the city.

Then came the ruined heap of a once stately church tagged Beautiful Church in Allenburg Destroyed by the Russians.

The background was occupied by German troops, black lines dividing them into three parts, tagged respectively30,000 killed, 40,000 slightly wounded, 40,000 seriously wounded.

350 examples of  tagged  in sentences