110 examples of take a chance in sentences

He might take a chance with Landis, if it came to a fight, just as he had taken a chance with Lewis.

I say play their own game an' take a chance....

I wouldn't take a chance of spoiling those views for anything," said Will, beginning to brighten up at the thought.

"Now the question is," said Bob, who seemed by common consent to have been elected leader, "shall we walk along the shore and get drenched, or take a chance of finding our way through the woods?

He could afford to take a chance on the rescue.

I'm going to take a chance on arresting you, anyhow.

"She's nearly a quarter-mile wide, and over two miles long, so we'll have to take a chance and cross it.

"Because in every other case the swindlers have worked their game where there was a big plant engaging many men of what you might call rough and ready characterready to take a chance on scalped admission tickets, and rough enough to fight if they were discovered.

In that case, of course, you can see I should wish a veteran pilot at the wheel and one who will take a chance.

Should she make a clean breast of it now and have nothing more to fear, or should she take a chance on Jo's never mentioning it to Mary?

We decided to take a chance on its not being more than ten hundred feet.

"Say, kid, I'd take a chance with Satan, but there ain't any hospital for fools handy.

"You poor fool," snarled Nash, "d'you think I'll take a chance on keepin' him waiting?

There's some things you got to take a chance on.

Can't you take a chance with me?" "I'm sorry," she said gently, seeing him so sadly in earnest.

" "Take a chance then," he urged.

"I guess you'd pretty near take a chance.

" "Sure," said Ronicky, "but you don't enjoy having your neck safe and sound, unless you take a chance of breaking it, once i

He said he would take a Chance even if he didn't know for Sure that he would Win.

" "I'll take a chance at that," called back O'Connor as he jumped into his car and directed, "Headquarters, quick.

Many men prefer to take a chance of disgrace or punishment or death rather than remain poor.

But we'll take a chance.

We'll take a chance.

I may be out of the game, but I'd take a chance yet if I were present; that's what!

He observed the barber was suffering from a recent celebration, but decided to take a chance.

110 examples of  take a chance  in sentences