364 examples of take out a in sentences

Thus, the whisper of "Here comes old Tubercles, again!" was prevalent amongst the clerks upon the entrance of a very thin, narrow-chested old gentleman, whom they informed, with considerable humor, that he was only wasting hours which should be spent with a spiritual adviser, in his useless attempts to take out a Policy in that office.

[One goes to take out a Lady. Char.

In the days of my earliest acquaintance with the law, an ancient order of men, now almost, if not quite, extinct, called Special Pleaders, existed, who, after having kept the usual number of termsthat is to say, eaten the prescribed number of dinners in the Inn of Court to which they belongedbecame qualified, on payment of a fee of £12, to take out a Crown licence to plead under the Bar.

Fishing craft leaving from there could easily take out a fugitive and thus enable him to escape.

They commonly take out a bone from the tails of their horses, to prevent them from being able to lash them from side to side, as they esteem it more seemly for the tails to hang down.

It is no shame for us to learn wit of heathens, neither is it material in whose school we take out a good lesson.

Sometimes they may inadvertently take out a single stem of indigo with the weeds: the eye of the mate or Tokedar espies this at once, and the careless coolie is treated to a volley of Hindoo Billingsgate, in which all his relations are abused to the seventh generation.

I saw the Prophet Eliseus descend into these caverns, I cannot say whether in reality or only in a vision, and I saw him take out a skull from a stone sepulchre in which bones were resting.

Then I saw Gyánendra unlock Pulin Babu's desk, take out a cheque-book, and hand it to the other man, who filled up the counterfoil and body of one blank cheque, glancing sometimes at the paper in front of him.

"I shall take out a summons against you for it.

Having one day accompanied her upstairs, she proceeded to unlock a large trunk which I had always regarded with longing eyes; and opening them very wide, that I might take in as much as possible in a hasty survey, what was my disappointment to see her take out a couple of linen pillow-cases, nicely ruffled, while at least a dozen or two more remained, together with a corresponding number of sheets, table-cloths, napkins, &c.!

Charlotte was, amongst her other qualities, avaricious, and though wealthy and ostentatious she rebelled at expenditure which did not show, and when it came time for her to leave Rome for the summer, and her passport came for visa, I stopped it and notified her to take out a new one.

My disappearance would be soon noticed, and the tug would take out a dozen men who would explore every nook and cranny.

I shall take out a patent of invention for the word.

"We'll take out a concert party of our own next season.

A lady, however, should take out a short riding-skirt, or habit, and a side-saddle.

ALBERT 'Pon my word, father, the mother will have to take out a mandamus against you.

You needn't take out a piece.

Either you will restore my watch to me, or I shall instantly go before the authorities and take out a warrant.

The smallness of the boat rendered it necessary that I should open one of my portmanteaus, and take out a supply of clothes before it was sent away; while thus occupied, I found myself overlooked by two or three respectably-clad women, who were in a boat, with several men, alongside.

A swarm of bees had made their hive in a pocket of his old leathern doublet; and when he put on this coat to take one of his long walks in the forest in search of wild bees' nests, he was very glad to have this hive with him, for, if he did not find any wild honey, he would put his hand in his pocket and take out a piece of a comb for a luncheon.

It would be necessary to take out a lease from the authorities after obtaining one from the owner.

I go to it as a text-book, and have actually spent hours at a time, taking one sentence after another, and experimenting upon them, trying to see if I could take out a word or transpose a clause, and not destroy their perfection.

But this excuse was not for a moment admitted, and they were warned to appear in the next consistory court to take out a warrant for the assessment of the lands.

Office-keepers have to be of good character; have to register and take out a license; have to keep books and records which are officially inspected.

364 examples of  take out a  in sentences