94 examples of taken the time in sentences

Olsen had never taken the time to become a naturalized citizen of the United States.

"I would very much," said Patty, "but I fear I can't take the time this morning; I have to study my part in a play we're going to give.

"And you didn't want to take the time to come over here to see me, did you?" "Oh, I shall have time enough to do all I want to do," said Patty.

" "If it ain't important," Old Heck answered, "we oughtn't to take the time.

"Then we had better not take the time to hear it all now," said Hootsey.

People cannot expect to be able to understand and edit the code underlying any system until they have taken the time and spent the necessary energy to penetrate it.

" His men must have thought well of the lieutenant to take the time, in the midst of the defense, to bury him in the place where he fell, for there were no other graves to be seen within the fort.

If it is only a matter of looking at a picture without any social responsibilities, and that picture a Velasquez, why, we must take the time, mustn't we, Mary?" "Yes," Mary assented.

But he had been in too much of a hurry, and hadn't taken the time to calculate the distance, and he landed at one side of the goose.

They had not taken the time to shout any witty sarcasms to the animals on the ground; but, as it was simply impossible for them to keep perfectly silent, they sang out continuallyin rhythm with the wing-strokestheir usual coaxing call: "Where are you?

He was so eager, that he hadn't taken the time to arrange his words as carefully as he was wont to do.

He could not renounce the idea of standing on the church knoll at home and telling high and low that the King had been so kind to him, that he had sat beside him on the bench, and had sent him a book, and had taken the time to talk to hima poor fiddlerfor a whole hour, in order to cure him of his homesickness.

Jarley himself could no more have taken the time to part it satisfactorily than he could have flown.

I can't even take the time to commend you for the outstanding work you did against the pirates.

Getting to the power plant through the complex here is the long way around, but we knew that we could do it and just couldn't take the time to look further on the surface for the shortest means of ingress.

In her cosmopolitan life of uncertain nationality she had never taken the time to decide about any religion for herself.

It will be easy enough to do that, but you could not expect them to take the time and trouble to find out what it was.

The Point of the Right-foot should come down first, leaning immediately after on the Heel; the Left-foot must fall on the Line at the distance, and in the Situation in Guard, as I before observed, in order to be ready to take the Time, or to make a Riposte.

If he makes a Feint in order to return in Tierce, you must either parry or take the Time as I have said. 6th.

And if instead of pushing, he waits for your Thrust to take the Time upon it, you must press close upon him and push strait in Quarte, with the Point low, opposing with the Left hand, in order to throw off his Sword, or push at his Arm, of which you are in Reach, though he is not in Measure of your Body.

Of these three Motions you are to make two: The first, in order to get one from the Enemy, that you may have an Advantage by your second, which is the third Time; so that when he thinks to take the Time upon you, you take it upon him, which, far from being a Counter-time, is a Time to his, or Counter to his Time.

False Time, is a Motion made by the Enemy to draw you on, in order to take a Time upon your's; therefore he that would take the Time, shou'd distinguish whether the Motion made, is to disorder him, and take the Advantage of his Parade, or to make him thrust, and take the Advantage of his Lunge; In Case of the first, it would be a Fault not to push; and in Case of the other, it would be amiss to push.

In order to make him take the Time well, and to form his Parade and Rispost properly, the Time that the Master gives must have a Regard to Rule, and sometimes to the Disorder of an unskilful Enemy, that he may be equally fortifyed for both; and to form his Parade and Rispost the Master must push in the Manner the most like to an Assault.

I would not be so unfair as let him have a hint of it till you have taken the time you said you wanted.

This particular, as well as the telepathic sense, may be cultivated or developed by anyone who wishes to take the time and trouble to accomplish the work.

94 examples of  taken the time  in sentences