112 examples of tantum in sentences

I, ii. "Nimirum arbitrantur, quemadmodum Rhetorice ab Aristotele ipso appellatur particula Dialecticae; idque propterea, quod doceat rationem, qua enthymema applicetur ad materiam civilem: ita & Poeticen esse Logices partem, quia aperit exempli usum in materia ficta ... at Rhetorice, & Poetice, non solum docere student, sed etiam delectare; nec cognitionem tantum spectant, sed & actionem.

[G-6] 'Virgilium vidi tantum.'

Personae quarum mentio tantum fit.

In prouincijs autem Cathay habetur tantum de mercimonijs specierum, et de operibus sericosis; quòd multis facilius acquirere esset praetiosum indumentam, quàm camisium de lino.

"Semper ego auditor tantum?" said I, "nunquamne reponam?"

Tantum quisque laudat, quantum se posse sperat imitaria man will praise a thing only so far as he hopes to be able to imitate it himself.

" So when Medea came in presence of Jason first, attended by her nymphs and ladies, as she is described by [5019]Apollonius, "Cunctas vero ignis instar sequebatur splendor, Tantum ab aureis fimbriis resplendebat jubar, Accenditque in oculis dulce desiderium.

How much better were it for our matrons to do as she did, to go civilly and decently, [5038]Honestae mulieris instar quae utitur auro pro eo quod est, ad ea tantum quibus opus est, to use gold as it is gold, and for that use it serves, and when they need it, than to consume it in riot, beggar their husbands, prostitute themselves, inveigle others, and peradventure damn their own souls?

"Tantum velle et nolle, velit nolit quod amica?

"Quantum ipsorum aliquis amantem oderat, Tantum ipsius amans odiosus erat.

[6027] "Tu mihi vel ferro pectus, vel perde veneno, A domina tantum te modo tolle

And as those old Romans had several distinct gods, for divers offices, persons, places, so have they saints, as Lavater well observes out of Lactantius, mutato nomine tantum, 'tis the same spirit or devil that deludes them still.

Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum.

Quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in arca, tantum habet et fidei.

non tam laboriosi ut Belgae, sed ut Hispani otiatores vitam ut plurimum otiosam agentes: artes manuariae quae plurimum habent in se laboris et difficultatis, majoremque requirunt industriam, a peregrinis et exteris exercentur; habitant in piscosissimo mari, interea tantum non piscantur quantum insulae suffecerit sed a vicinis emere coguntur.

6. si quis ense percusserit eos, tantum respiciunt. 1584.

Fraenaet stimuli animi, velut in mari quaedam aurae leves, quaedam placidae, quaedam turbulentae: sic in corpore quaedam affectiones excitant tantum, quaedam ita movent, ut de statu judicii depellant. 1593.

tantum porro multi praedictoribus hisce tribuunt ut ipse metus fidem faciat: nam si praedictum iis fuerit tali die eos morbo corripiendos, ii ubi dies advenerit, in morbum incidunt, et vi metus afflicti, cum aegritudine, aliquando etiam cum morte colluctantur. 1619.

We urged, that, mischievous as is the extreme on this side, it is not the one into which the young folks of the present day are the most likely to run: the prevailing fault is not now, whatever it may have been, to sacrifice all for love: Venit enim magnum donandi parca juventus, Nec tantum Veneris quantum studiosa culinae.

A little below the summit of the cliff, from the large cavern which has been fashioned to represent the Holy Sepulchre, there issues a brilliant light, together with the sound of many voices singing the 'Tantum ergo.'

"Tantum vertice in auras Aetherias quantum radice in Tartara tendit.

An ideo tantum veneras, ut exires? Why dost thou come, great Censor of the Age, To see the loose Diversions of the Stage? With awful Countenance and Brow severe, What in the Name of Goodness dost thou here? See the mixt Crowd!

In the churches, with the exception of the Tantum-ergo, nothing is sung in Latin, sermons and hymns are in the language of the country, just as in a Protestant church.

"Nihil enim est opere aut manu factum, quod aliquando non conficiat et consumat Vetustas; at vero hæc tua justitia et lenitas animi florescet quotidie magis, ita ut quantum operibus tuis dinturnitas detrahet, tantum afferet laudibus.

Venatum proficiscuntur: ex multis quas capiebant quatuor tantum retinent; pro feminis illis uti adnituntur, carere feminea natura comperiunt.

112 examples of  tantum  in sentences