1010 examples of tariff in sentences

Gradually, Mr. Caldwell put off his air of condescension; he put off his appeal to party authority; he even stopped arguing the tariff and the railroad question.

I am sure I don't understand, and I don't think my neighbours here understand, much about the tariff or the trusts or the railroad questionin detail.

"And we've got the impression that a good many of the men down in New York and Boston, and elsewhere, through the advantages which the tariff laws, and other laws, are giving them, are getting more than they earna lot more.

As the tariff protecting the home grower of wheat had raised the price of bread and caused much suffering to the poor, England not only repealed this duty (1846) but also became practically a free-trade country.

Some limit or control it by a passport system; some by special supervision of strangers; some by a protective tariff; others by giving to one nation commercial privileges not given to another.

Hitherto Turkey has largely imported cotton from England; now Turkeythanks to German capital on terms above statedwill, in the process of internal development so unselfishly devised for her by Germany, grow cotton for herself, and be kind enough to give a preferential tariff to Germany.

To say nothing of the power of Congress to take hundreds of millions from the people by direct taxation, who doubts its power to abolish at once the whole tariff system, change the seat of Government, arrest the progress of national works, prohibit any branch of commerce with the I

If the Tariff" [established at her own suggestion] "be not repealed or modified so that our slave-labor may compete with your free-labor."

The Tariff is accordingly modified to suit the South.

It was doubtless the general understanding that "revision" in this promise meant revision downward, tho this was left somewhat unclear in a campaign wherein the tariff played a somewhat minor part.

As compared with the last two years (1908-1909) of the Dingley tariff the first two years of the Payne-Aldrich tariff showed a decline of 1.5 per cent, and on free and dutiable a decline of less than 3 per cent.

These reductions in the statistical results are no greater than occurred within like periods while the Dingley act continued in operation without change.[10] No other tariff since "the act of abominations" in 1828 has called forth such widespread criticism as this one, and the tariff became a leading issue in the campaign of 1912.

The conclusion of the war must bring a new readjustment that must cause a severe shock to some enterprisesand this must have been so under any possible variety of tariff. § 14.

If the attempt is made through temporary rates to reduce the shock of the trade adjustments, of the "dumping" after the war, then the devising and administration of such measures should be delegated to an expert, disinterested, permanent tariff board.

Changes in general conditions of industry from causes quite apart from the tariff may result in shifting the proportions of imports that are dutiable so that the average rates go either up or down while the tariff law has remained unchanged on the statute book.

[Footnote 14: #Tariff legislation and business depressions.

The relation between new tariff legislation and the business conditions following it has been the subject of much debate in political campaigns.

In none of these cases does it seem reasonable to attribute business depression to the reduction of the tariff, as is commonly done in protectionist arguments even to the point of attributing the panic of 1893 to the reduction of the tariff a year later!

At several times the tariff has been raised soon after a crisis when a good occasion was presented by the need of larger revenues as in 1842, 1860, 1875, and 1897.

The war obscured the ordinary industrial effects of the tariff acts of the sixties.

Usually in the United States the tariff duties are accounted to be taxes on expenditure, as also the internal revenues (also called excises) of the national government.

Most of the federal taxes are from tariff duties and from internal revenues; the latter include a variety of special business and property taxes and, since 1913, the federal income tax.

But in our own national history since the adoption of the Constitution, taxation has not had a leading place in politics except in the one aspect of the tariff.

A system of properly adjusted compensatory duties (tariffs and internal duties combined) which would prevent tariff duties from having any prohibitive effect whatever could, in a great country like ours, be made to produce any revenues desired.

The next income tax law was that of 1894, enacted in connection with the tariff revision of that year.

1010 examples of  tariff  in sentences