41 examples of tartuffes in sentences

" There was a great opposition to Molière's comedy "Tartuffe."

Molière who was always a close and keen observer of everything that transpired around him, seized upon the name "Tartuffe" as suitable to the hypocritical imposter in his comedy.

We shall read again the Tartuffe, in which some changes should be made.

On my saying this he did not chuse to continue the conversation, but calling for a bottle of wine drank it all himself with the zest of a Tartuffe.

Since these I have seen the Tartuffe and George Dandin both inimitably performed; how I enjoyed the scene of the Pauvre homme!

in the Tartuffe and the lecture given to George Dandin by M. and Mme de Sotenville wherein they recount the virtues and merits of their respective ancestors.

Every one knows the reply of the great Prince of Condé to Louis XIV when this monarch expressed his surprize at the clamour excited by Molière's Tartuffe, while a blasphemous farce called Scaramouche Hermite was performed without giving any scandal: "C'est parceque Scaramouche ne jouoit que le ciel et

Basile and Tartuffe are the two French incarnations of religious hypocrisy.

Molière, Tartuffe (1664).

In Molière's comedy of Tartuffe, Charlotte is called "Mariane," and Darnley is "Valère.

Molière, Le Tartuffe (1664).

Baxter was a pious and worthy man; but can any one read this confession without thinking of Tartuffe, who subjected himself to penance for killing a flea, with too much anger? See vol.

[Footnote A: Tartuffe, according to French tradition, is a caricature of the famous Père la Chaise (Confessor to Louis Quatorze), who had a weakness for the pleasures of the table, including truffles (tartuffes).

It would be safer to double and treble all the tragedies of our greatest poets, and use all their subjects over and over, as has been done with Oedipus and Sophonisba, than to bring again upon the stage, in five acts, a Miser, a Citizen turned gentleman, a Tartuffe, and other subjects sufficiently known.

The Tartuffe exposed to the indignation of France, a character, which every good man detests.

Les precieuses ridicules, Le Tartuffe-Le misanthrope.

DORINE, a petulant domestic in Molière's "Tartuffe.

P PACHE, JEAN, Swiss adventurer, who became Mayor of Paris, and even Minister of War during the French Revolution, "the sleek Tartuffe that he was," is credited with the authorship of the famous revolutionary motto, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death (1746-1823).

TARTUFFE, a knave, a creation of Molière's, who makes a cloak of religion to cover his knaveries, and the name of the play in which the character appears, Molière's greatest.

Gutzkow wrote three comedies which in point of continued popularity have outlived all his other numerous contributions to the German stage: Sword and Queue (1843), The Prototype of Tartuffe (1844), and The Royal Lieutenant (1849).

In The Prototype of Tartuffe we are shown President La Roquette at the court of Louis XIV., obliged at last, in spite of his long continued successful efforts to suppress the play, to witness his own public unmasking in the person of Molière's Tartuffe, of whom he is the sneaking, hypocritical original.

In The Prototype of Tartuffe we are shown President La Roquette at the court of Louis XIV., obliged at last, in spite of his long continued successful efforts to suppress the play, to witness his own public unmasking in the person of Molière's Tartuffe, of whom he is the sneaking, hypocritical original.

Few, if any, however, will justify him in rating it superior to Molière's Tartuffe.

Riccoboni." Ibid., p. 202, note I. "Nous ajouterons que M. de Climal est un Tartuffe de cour, un hypocrite de bonne compagnie, mais en même temps d'une hypocrisie trop déliée pour être mise sur

" (Molière, le Tartuffe).

41 examples of  tartuffes  in sentences