417 examples of tattered in sentences

"After the old man had turned him down for good, Slade fished down in his warbag and hauled out an old tattered document from an oilskin case.

Nicholas had heard, too, for he threw down the tattered deerskin, and went to the other side of the fire.

The Colonel looked about in a flustered way for the tattered San Francisco Examiner; Potts and the Boy hustled the punch-bowl on to the bucket board, recklessly spilling some of the precious contents.

The poor worn girl sat upon an old tattered kind of sofa, near the fire, panting for breath in the close atmosphere.

She was sitting upon a low chair,the only seat in the place,and the tattered lad was kneeling on the ground before her, whilst she combed his hair out.

As the brave little tattered man stood there upon the box-lid, springing, and sputtering, and waving his one arm, his wife looked up at him with a smile, as if she thought him "the greatest wight on ground."

Sometimes it is an older woman that goes by, with a child at the breast, and one or two holding by the skirt of her tattered gown, and perhaps one or two more limping after, as she crawls along the pavement, gazing languidly from side to side among the heedless crowd, as if giving her last look round the world for help, without knowing where to get it, and without heart to ask for it.

The mother stood in the middle of the floor, wiping her sore eyes, and then folding her hands in a tattered apron; whilst her daughters gazed upon us vacantly from the background.

On our way we passed an old tattered Irishwoman, who was hurrying along, with two large cabbages clipt tight in her withered arms.

This bye-street of mean brick cottages had an unwholesome, outcast look; and the sallow, tattered women, lounging about the doorways, and listlessly watching the sickly children in the street, evinced the prevalence of squalor and want there.

On our way from this place, we went into a cottage near the "Coal Yard," where a tall, thin Irishwoman was washing some tattered clothes, whilst her children played about the gutter outside.

" Then the tattered stranger stepped forth, and all the people laughed as they saw a yellow patch that showed beneath his arm when he raised his elbow to shoot, and also to see him aim with but one eye.

Then after a short space they all three shot again, and once more each arrow lodged within the clout, but this time Adam o' the Dell's was farthest from the center, and again the tattered stranger's shot was the best.

Let no Corinthian pillars prop the dome, A vain expense, on charitable deeds Better disposed, to clothe the tattered wretch, Who shrinks beneath the blast, to feed the poor Pinched with afflictive want.

There, all is blazing with precious marbles; here, there is no color except from the poor glass of the eastern windows, or where a tattered banner waves above a hero's monument.

It was worn down by marching and fighting; the men had scarcely shoes upon their feet; and, above the tattered figures, flaunting their rags in the sunshine, were seen gaunt and begrimed faces, in which could be read little of the "romance of war."

As he came closer the captain's misgivings were confirmed, and in the sunburnt fellow in tattered clothes who advanced upon him with outstretched hand he reluctantly recognized his son.

And from their sight thus glides the angry King, Beneath the wood himself he doth disguise In tattered garments, on his steed he flies;

Some yellow dogs barked at us as we passed, children in tattered garments stared, and old turbaned heads were raised from the pipe, to guess who the two brown individuals might be, and why they were attended by such a fierce cawass.

A sadly tattered appearance is presented by the metrical passages.

"Well, I must say, Reuben Miller, if I die for it," said she, "I haven't had so much as a pound of white sugar nor a single lemon in my house for two years, and I do think it's a burnin' shame for you to go on sellin' 'em to them shiftless Greens, that'll never pay you a cent, and you know it!" Reuben was sitting on the counter smoking his pipe and reading an old tattered copy of Dryden's translation of Virgil.

The thin and tattered old paper looked singularly worthless to her.

But I saw only a bank-bill, more or less crumpled and tattered, marked with a larger or lesser figure.

Hardly a speculation has been left on record from the earliest time, but it is loosely folded up in Mr. Coleridge's memory, like a rich, but somewhat tattered piece of tapestry; we might add (with more seeming than real extravagance), that scarce a thought can pass through the mind of man, but its sound has at some time or other passed over his head with rustling pinions.

Alarmed by the noise, an old man in a tattered garb, and a young female, who were slumbering on benches in the chapel, immediately started to their feet, and advanced towards them.

417 examples of  tattered  in sentences