Do we say tattletale or telltale

tattletale 1 occurrences

[person who discloses a secret] tattletale, snitch, fink, stool pigeon, canary.

telltale 89 occurrences

There are telltale things about a man's handwriting which give him away even when he tries to disguise it.

A controversy arose, but it was subsequently proved by two artillery experts who inspected the guns in question that they were really Bulgarian guns painted gray, with their telltale breech-blocks removed.

Another Gentleman, with more modesty, called his paper, the Whisperer; and a third, to please the Ladies, christened his, the Telltale.

Only the bright and agile eyes were the same; that, and a certain telltale nervousness of hand.

We went up the ladder again to see what the pirates were about, for it was quite still in the hold, and silence seemed more ominous than a telltale clatter.

The telltale hair, vividly red, sprouted likewise on this lad's head, and Joe knew him at once for what he was, another member of the Simpson clan.

So that bland blue eye struck first on the faintly shining top hat of Anthony, ran down his overcoat, and lingered in gloomy dismay on the telltale streak of white where the trouser leg should have been.

Are you busy?" It required whole seconds for the eyes to wheel round upon Anthony, and they were immediately debased from the telltale white of that leg to the floor.

As was the most natural thing, considering his dislike for the fellow, Frank felt that Roll Ditson was the telltale.

Down from the rugged hills it took him once to where a love-feast had been set by the bigger Bear; for the carcass of a steer lay half devoured, and the telltale ground said much of the struggle that foreran the feast.

But they had their own school, which looked externally quite like all the others in town, and their playground, beaten bare like that of the Washington Street School, was filled with laughing, shouting children, ranging from shoe-black through coffee-color to those occasional tragic ones with white skin and blue eyes, but with the telltale kink in the fair hair and the bluish half-moon at the base of the finger-nails.

During the next half-hour he almost forgot his telltale disfigurements.

In her face, too, was a telltale riot of colour which the deep tan partly concealed in his own.

She knew that it is the telltale throat which first shows the marks of age.

Ormsby was looking past her to the old-fashioned ormolu clock on the high mantel, comparing the time with his watch, but he was not oblivious of the telltale flush.

COURTS The court dimensions, lines, telltale, material, construction, and lights shall be in accordance with the specifications approved by the Executive Committee of the National Squash Tennis Association.

If however, a player is hit by a ball off his opponent's racquet that is clearly not going to reach the front wall above the telltale, a let will not be allowed and the point shall be given to the player who was hit by the ball.

There were telltale traces of tears on his unshaven face, and an ache in his discouraged heart that would not be assuaged, for it was becoming rumoured about the village that Dunk the Dauntless might never operate on the vitals of an ailing tin-Lizzie again.


The Telltale Wife LXXXIX.

I talked with President Hadley on Friday; Saturday I went to New York; Sunday and Monday I spent at the Yale Club, writing; Tuesday, this telltale letter fell under the prescient eye of my brother.

In vain will you search these telltale books for evidence of personal extravagance; for, although Miss Anthony thinks it true economy to buy the best, her tastes are simple.

Neutral little Holland is the telltale of both sides; the ally and the enemy of all intelligence corps.

When the Blessed Mary sends me a lover" She looked over her shoulder and sighed romantically, hiding the laughter in her eyes and the telltale twist of her lips as best she could, with lashes downcast and face averted.

Feeling himself in a kind of impasse regarding Alden, and fearing some telltale expression in his eyes, the Master swung up his binoculars and once more swept the cloud-horizons from northeast to southeast.

Do we say   tattletale   or  telltale