765 examples of teacher of in sentences

But there came a time J.W., Sr., reveling in reminiscences before so patient a listener as the preacher, though it was an old story, rehearsed how he had served for years as superintendent of the country Sunday school, and how Mrs. Farwell was teacher of the Girls' Bible Class.

The slave became the teacher of the emperor,which it is impossible to conceive of unless their souls were in harmony.

Hence, as a teacher of morals and philosophy George Eliot is not of much account.

Every reformer appeared to him to be a blind teacher of the blind.

I sent for a chief, Little Hill, who is a famous singer, but with little perseverance as a teacher of music.

To this lady the Countess entrusted the education of her granddaughters' minds, while for their physical training she provided another teacher in the person of a clever little Parisian dancing mistress, who had set up at the West-End of London as a teacher of dancing and calisthenics, and had utterly failed to find pupils enough to pay her rent and keep her modest pot-au-feu going.

I was sure that unknown, without friends or prestige, it would be useless to try to establish myself as a teacher of music; so I gave that means of earning a livelihood scarcely any consideration.

For no Pantheist has ever held that everything is God, any more than a teacher of physiology, in enforcing on his students the unity of the human organism, would insist that every toe and finger is the man.

But as man is nomadic before he is agricultural, and a maker of tents and wigwams before he builds houses and temples,in like manner he is an architect and an idolater before he becomes a student of wisdom; he is a sacrificer in temples and a priest at their altars, before he is a teacher of philosophy or an interpreter of Nature.

When I offered him some awkward compliment about his good English, he seized the chance of a narrative, and told me about his parentage: how his mother was Scotch, and his father Danish, and how, after his father's death, his mother had married Emilio Diaz, a Spanish teacher of music in Edinburgh, and how he had taken, by force of early habit, the name of his stepfather.

He had been the teacher of the Unseen among us, till the moment when the Unseen was thus, as it were, brought within our reach; but with the revelation he had nothing to do; and it filled him with pain and wonder.

In another admirable passage of rebuke of the boastful and empty followers of old teachers, Leonardo says: "Though I might not cite authors as well as they, I shall cite a much greater and worthier thing, in citing experience, the teacher of their teachers" (Maestra di loro maestri).

But if he conceives that the five syllables which form the three words, Double-u, and Aitch, and Wy, are the three simple sounds which he utters in pronouncing the word why, it is not because the hornbook, or the teacher of the hornbook, ever made any such blunder or "pretence;" but because, like some great philosophers, he is capable of misconceiving very plain things.

There was a certain Greek, a teacher of oratory, named Artemidorus.

Thus he employs in the personal sense the term Father, which was most often on the lips of the Great Teacher of Nazareth.

John Bakeless (A); 5Jan67; R401130. BAKER, GERTRUDE M. The modern teacher of physical education.

There is not the least reason to doubt the sincerity of these explanations; but at the same time they showed the unfitness of a man who had so to explain away his own speculations to be the official guide and teacher of the clergy.

In 'The Prelude', Wordsworth writes of him as "an honoured teacher of my youth;" and there describes, with some minuteness, a visit to his grave.

Thus it is seen that the present-day teacher of household arts is much more fitted to train the well-educated girl to organise household matters, than was her predecessor.

" Swayed by such thoughts, François Delsarte soon left the profession of actor to follow that of teacher of singing and elocution.

The chief began by assuring me that I was a teacher of great learning.

If a college is established by the Methodist denomination, the teacher of that institution may, of course, explain and enforce there the views of that society.

At the time of his début he was still disguised as a teacher of Italian to the young contessina.

His long experience as teacher of drawing in the Working-Men's College has given him knowledge of and sympathy with the perplexities and difficulties of beginners.

By EDNA M. McKINLEY, Ph.B., Teacher of Ancient and European History, Central High School, Syracuse, N.Y.

765 examples of  teacher of  in sentences